(Y/n) Zigvolt is Sebek's older sister, and is Silver's best friend.Sebek has always tried multiple ways to get (Y/n) to praise him in some way, it usually took Silver's time with (Y/n) but he didn't mind much.
"Ah! My favorite daughter! Where have you been? Silver's been quite lonely." Lilia said to his daughter figure.
"Oh, I have been spending time with Sebek, sorry Silver, it just seems that my brother still needs loads of attention." (Y/n) chuckled as they adjusted their tie.
"It's no problem, plus, you haven't seen him in a while so I don't mind.." Silver muttered as a small blush coated his cheeks.
"Fufufu~" To be honest, Lilia shipped these two, they were always together doing something or just nothing in general, like sitting, sparring, or talking.
"Ah! Onii-Chan!" Sebek yelled excitedly as he ran over towards
(Y/n)."Ah, hello Sebek, again, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked as she patted Sebek on his head, a blush coated his cheeks as he shook his head.
"Ah, Lilia-Sama, good evening!" Sebek, exclaimed with a bow.
"Fufufu~ Good evening Sebek." Lilia said as he walked over beside Silver, he put a hand on his hip as well.
"Anyways, Sebek you don't have to be so formal y'know!" (Y/n) giggled as Sebek's jaw dropped.
(Y/n) walked over towards Lilia and hugged him, Lilia chuckled and hugged back making Sebek's jaw drop even more.
"Ah, see this is why your my favorite daughter." Lilia exclaimed as he rubbed her back.
"Lilia, If I was your daughter, I would be your only daughter." (Y/n) said through giggles.
Her giggles got cut off by Sebek tugging (Y/n) away from Lilia's embrace.
(Y/n) giggled and hugged Sebek, I mean- she knew her brother more than he knew himself, he always stayed quiet about what he wanted, he would be hesitant about public affection because of his shyness, and much more.
"Fufufu~ isn't that cute right Sil-.....ver?" Lilia muttered the last part.
Silver had this menacing aura around him, he glared at Sebek.
Silver tugged (Y/n) away from Sebek and hugged her, (Y/n) chuckled nervously as Sebek glared at Silver.
Sebek then grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and tried to rip her off Silver, but Silver grabbed onto (Y/n)'s other arm making (Y/n) feel like some stretchy toy.
"Fufufu~ you have found yourself in quite a predicament isn't that right (Y/n)" Lilia said as he put a hand up to his chin in thought as he smirked at the three.
And then from and on, Silver and Sebek fought over (Y/n)'s attention like it was the golden and legendary prize..

Twisted wonderland | one shots
FanfictionJust one shots of some characters from Twisted Wonderland. Btw there will be strong language in this book, aka cussing. I only post when I am not busy.