Rook Hunt x Cosplayer!Reader | Kiss part 5

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Katelyn smirked as she spied in Rook and (Y/n)..

"Why am I here again?.." Epel asked as he sweat dropped.

"I dunno, I guess I just dragged you along." Katelyn whispered back.

"More importantly why are we in the bushes?.." Vil asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"We would be too suspicious if we were in the open." (Y/n) said.

"I mean we are quite suspicious in here stupid herbivore.."

"How did you even get this filthy animal to com!?-"

"Shudda fuq up!.."


"Shut uuup!"

"You shut up!"

"Fuckin stupid herbivore and clown.."

"What was that you fucking lazy ass!?"

"Katelyn watch your language!"

"Shut up you fucking drag queen!"

Rook and (Y/n) just stared at the trio with blank expressions.


Katelyn, Vil and Leona stopped arguing and looked up to see (Y/n) with a new found angry expression and a emotionless expressioned Rook.

Epel sighed.

"Lesson learned?" A angry (Y/n) asked, she had just finished scolding Vil, Leona and Katelyn.

The three nodded.

"Oh and never drag Epel into your schemes, he's too baby." (Y/n) said.

Epel face palmed, at the words 'too baby'

A day later...

"Katelyyyyyyn get me out of here!" (Y/n) whined.

It's been a few minutes since she's been stuck.

In a closet



"She'll eventually open it...." Rook sighed as he leaned onto the wall.

"I hope so.." (Y/n) said as her eyes adjusted to the dark.

A few minutes went by as (Y/n) looked anywhere but at Rook nervously.

"You seem quite nervous, is everything alright?" Rook asked.

(Y/n) snapped her eyes towards Rooks, he wore a smirk that made (Y/n) blush.

"Y-Yes.." She said looking away, she heard a shuffling noise and felt arms draped over her.

"You sure?~" Rook purred in
(Y/n)'s ear making her lip quiver.

His arms were draped over her shoulders and he held his hands together.

"Y-Ye-" (Y/n) was cut off by a pair of lips on hers, her eyes widened as she blushed even more.

They parted and looked in each other's eyes, Rook smirked.

"You taste quite sweet (Y/n)~" Rook purred, before (Y/n) could speak he connected their lips again.

(Y/n) slowly closed her eyes and melted into the kiss, it had slowly turned into a make out session.

(Y/n) was now against Rook's chest as her hands clung onto his shoulders for dear life.

Rook had his arms around her waist pushing her closer to him.

"Hey sorry abo-"




"My poor virgin eyes...."




"Why are they still going? Do they not notice us?"




"Ya know what? Maybe we should go..."

"Your the reason they are even in here!"

"Look- I saved them from getting scolded from mister Crewel did I n-"

"Shut up and close the door!"


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