7dorms x Demon!Reader | The begining...

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This was requested byyyyyyyyy......
Dianya14 !!!! Thank you for requesting-

This is a all of the seven dorms x Fem!Demon!Reader. All the students from the seven dorms will be love interests for the reader-

The reader is a fem!demon from modern time who can choose their own master, and has navy black hair and ocean green eyes.

The readers name is Ayame Yuri, she is quite the tall female- maybe on the same level as Malleus, maybe even taller.

This series will be divided into different parts so this is kinda like the prologue of the story, and starts at the beginning of the game, reader was also a huge fan of Twisted wonderland before entering that world! I might not talk more about what might be coming-

But I will not be making chapters about chapter 6 and 7 until they are released, so I know what happens for the overblots :>

I'll also be adding in my AU where there are a few female students and there will actually be two dorm leaders and two vice dorm leaders. Two female and two males.

So have fun reading!~

Yuri sighed dreamily as she stared at her screen filled with the twisted wonderland cast.

"Oh how I wish you's were real... Or how magic actually existed! That would be so cool!" Yuri giggled as her navy black hair shimmered in the light.

Yuri's eyes suddenly became droopy as a sudden drowsiness overcome her.

'Why am I....... Feeling tired all of a sudden....' Was her last thoughts before falling unconscious.

Welcome Ayame Yuri....

To the villains world....

Yuri opened her eyes slowly, hearing nothing but static, feeling pain in her head as well.

She slowly blinked noticing how the atmosphere had changed.

'Where am I?' Yuri thought as she looked around, she was in a hall, somewhere that looked oddly familiar.

To her side was a big brown door, the door was probably twice the size of herself.

'I wonder if I'll be able to find anyone in there- wait...' Yuri thought as she furrowed her brows.

'Is this some sort of isekai!?- COOL! IVEALWAYSWANTEDTOBEINONE!' She thought as she stood up from the ground with stars in her eyes.

'Wait- back on to the subject at hand... I don't actually know where I am...' She sweat dropped as she looked around.

She shrugged then decided to open the big ass door.

A few heads turned her way as she took in the appearance of the new room.

There was a fountain right in the back with people behind it. And there was a large mirror above the fountain.

There were also a bunch of chairs before the fountain, a vast majority of cloaked humanoid figures sat on them.

But what caught her attention the most was a male in a school uniform and a familiar raccoon cat like monster in the center of the room.

"Yuri?" The male asked dumbfoundedly as he let go of the cat.

"Yuu? What are you doing here?" Yuri asked but then finally processed the whole situation.

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