Rook Hunt x Heartbroken! Reader | I loved you.

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"I-I love you R-Rook!!" A girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes said with a big blush and looking away.

Rook intensely blushed at the confession.

"I love you too D-Darling.." Rook says kissing the girl passionately.

End of flash back

That was a 6 months ago.

(Y/n) and Rook had been dating for about 5 and a half months.

Until there was a rumour about (Y/n) cheating on Rook.

Flash back!

"I dare (Y/n) to kiss Jack on the lips!" Ace said to the circle of people that was playing truth or dare.

There was a few gasps heard then "But (Y/n) has a boyfriend! And what if so-"

"What are you a wuss?" Ace said with a smirk.

"Tch....Whatever lets get this over with...." (Y/n) said with a tired look.

Jack blushed as she pressed her lips against his, everyone heard a click noise and shuffling.

(Y/n) pushed Jack off and looked at the door that was slightly open.

Her heart dropped and her brows furrowed, she actually had a stalker that followed her everywhere...

Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"HOW COULD YOU!?" Rook yelled with tears in his eyes and gritting his teeth in anger and sadness.

"Wait a Rook it wasn!-" "THERES FUCKING PROOF (Y/N)!" Rook yelled again, (Y/n) went quiet as he continued.

"I LOVED YOU! I TRUSTED YOU! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CHEAT ON ME!?" He yelled as the tears finally began to stream down his eyes.

"We we're pl!-" "I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TRUSTED YOU!! WERE OVER (Y/N) (L/N)!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN!!" He yelled one more time as he stomps off.

All (Y/n) could do was stand there with a broken heart and tears in her eyes.

Once he left she fell to her knees and began to sob uncontrollably.

End of flash back

That was a few weeks ago..

(Y/n) fell into depression after that she never smiled, she always seemed tired, she became more aggressive, she never talked to anyone but her brother Deuce Spade.

But then she met a certain sleepy lion, he helped regain her smile, she was a lot happier, she was back to normal...

So why....Why did he come back to (Y/n)..

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't know that it was a dare...." Rook says looking down at the ground.

"Well maybe you should've let me talk but no.....You didn't let me do anything....You left me there heartbroken..." (Y/n) growled at him in anger.

"I-I still love you (Y/n)...I understand if you don't love me anymore....But please give me another chance..." He begged as a few tears slipped from his watery eyes.

(Y/n) felt a arm around her waist and a tail circling her leg, she was pushed against something broad....She could feel...Muscles?-

"(Y/n)....Hurry up and come ooon...I'm tired... Let me sleep on your lap...." Leona says as he snuggles into (Y/n)'s neck, he looks at Rook from the corner of his eye and smirks smugly.

He looks at Rook and mouths.....

'She's mine....'

"Tch....W-Whatever you lazy cat!" (Y/n) said as she blushed.

Leona and (Y/n) begin to walk off, (Y/n) suddenly stops and looks back.

"By the way, I waited for you for weeks, I loved you then but now..." she looks at Leona and he looks back.

"I love Leona Kingscholar.." She says with a smile and blush as she takes his hand and walks off, you could see that Leona was blushing madly.

"Goodbye Rook Hunt.." She says before disappearing with Leona.

"G-Goodbye..." Rook says breaking down and starts to sob...

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