Malleaus Draconia x Knight!Reader | Im home? pt 2

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As years passed by- actually, it was more like A year, it felt like years to Malleaus tho.

His one faithful and loyal knight, was sent to war because of their family name and history of leading many wars to victory.

The two things that were left behind by (Y/n) was kept intact.

He would always sleep with the cape, he couldn't sleep without it because it reminded him of her scent.

He put the Rose in a vase to make sure it didn't rot as fast, he put a spell on the curse on the Rose to insure no one would take it, anyone else but him who touched the Rose would die slowly and painfully, thorns clawing the victim from the inside.

"Malleaus Are you alright?" A voice called out, he snapped back into reality, he had forgotten he was in a meeting with the dorm leaders and the principal.

He felt something wet slide down his cheek, he quickly noticed it was a tear and wiped it away.

"Are you still not over your little girlfriend disappearing? Pathetic" Leona growled out in hate.

Malleaus glared at him and said "One, she isn't my girlfriend, two she didn't disappear, she went to war, three I bet you'd be more pathetic then me if you lost someone important." Malleaus growled back.

"WHY YO-" the door slammed open before he could finish his sentence.

"Uhhh, am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice said, Malleaus angrily looked over to see a women with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/t) skin.

His eyes widened after processing and taking in her features.

"(Y/n)?....." Malleaus whispered, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Ah, i didn't expect to see you so soon my lord." (Y/n) said acting as if she had never left in the first place.

(Y/n) looked at Crowley and he nodded, she looked at Malleaus again and signaled him to come.

Malleaus stood up and ran over to follow (Y/n) as she was walking away.

A few minutes later

They were now in the woods, alone, (Y/n) stopped then turned around.

Malleaus tackled her into the grass, (Y/n) made a oof sound when they landed.

Malleaus snuggled into her neck as (Y/n) chuckled, Malleaus could feel tears prick at the corners of his eyes as he smiled.

"My lord, it has only been a year.." "How are you back? Are you going to leave me again?.." Malleaus asked looking at (Y/n) with a sad expression.

"No my lord I'm not leaving, and they had decided to make a peace treaty." (Y/n) said as Malleaus felt his heart do flips in his chest as he had remembered some of her words before she disappeared.

(Y/n) and Malleaus stayed in their peaceful silence, listening to the birds chirping, the soothing sound of the leaves of the trees.

Until (Y/n) noticed that Malleaus was staring at her, she smirked and closed the distance between them.

Malleaus's heart was beating fast as his eyes widen, his face red as a beetroot.

He closed his eyes after a few seconds enjoying the feeling of her soft lips.

They parted because of lack of oxygen, after they caught their breath (Y/n) said.

"Is that what you wanted?" She asked with a raised brow and smirk as Malleaus turned bright red.

Malleaus then hid his face in her shoulder in embarrassment as (Y/n) chuckled.

"Did you mean what you said?.... The last time we saw each other I mean..." Malleaus asked looking up at (Y/n).

"Of course I did lord Malleaus, I love you!" (Y/n) said as she put her forehead against his forehead.

"I-I love you too..." Malraux stuttered with a blush on his face as he looked away.

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