Photos - JJ Maybank

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Summary: Y/N gets a text from someone she didn't expect with explicit pictures of herself.

Warnings: swearing, angst, mention of leaked nudes

When Y/N woke up her boyfriend was nowhere in sight, but she wasn't concerned. He often woke up early and made breakfast or went surfing while she slept in so she paid it no thought. Her phone chimed so she stretched to see if it was one of the Pogues but her heart dropped when she saw it was Rafe's contact - one she'd only added after Sarah's phone had died and she'd called from her brother's.

Her face flushed as she recognised the pictures on the screen. They were of her. Only JJ was supposed to see them.

"Baby would you like pancakes or waff-"

"You asshole!" she yelled, thrusting her phone in JJ's face as she tried to hide her shame.

"I- who sent you those?" he stuttered, taking in the familiar images that only he should have access to.

"Rafe. Rafe fucking Cameron just sent me my own fucking nudes, that I only sent to you, so you better start explaining yourself!"

JJ didn't know what to say, how did Rafe get Y/N's nudes? She'd only sent them to him. He'd saved them, but only for himself - he would never show them to anyone.

"Shit!" he said, running his hand through his hair and pacing around the living room as he had a moment of realisation.

"I let him use my phone once to call Topper when we were at Barry's and he was coked out."

Y/N scoffed and went even redder as she glared at her boyfriend.
"That's the best you could come up with?"

"Baby I swear I would never send them to anyone, especially not that son of a bitch," he pleaded.

"You still fucking saved them!" she yelled, and he winced as if she'd hit him. She was right. He shouldn't have saved them.

"Baby I'm sorry-"

"I can't even look at you right now!"
Y/N left the Chateau without another word, going straight to Kiara's house for some support and advice.

The other girl was startled when Y/N appeared in tears on her doorstep, but she wasted no time in letting her in and getting her some water.

"Love, what happened?" Kiara asked gently, pulling Y/N into a hug while she cried into her shoulder.

"Rafe sent my nudes to himself from JJ's phone."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm gonna kill that bastard."

Y/N sobbed harder until all her tears were gone and Kiara pulled her to her feet.

"Here's what we're gonna do okay, we're gonna go to Sarah, get some shit on Rafe, and blackmail him into deleting them," Kiara said firmly, and all Y/N could do was nod.

"Are you mad at JJ?"

"Well I know it's not his fault but he shouldn't have saved them. They could end up anywhere and they have!" Y/N cried.

"Yeah I'd be pissed too. Where is he now?"


John B had woken up thanks to the fighting couple in his living room, but by the time he emerged from his bedroom Y/N had gone.

"What happened, bro?" he asked groggily, taking in JJ's defeated demeanour.

"I fucked up. I saved some pictures from Y/N that I shouldn't have and somehow Rafe got them and sent them to her," JJ explained with a sigh, putting his head in his hands.

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