Insecure - JJ Maybank

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Requested by: monicagarciiaaa
Summary: Y/N is insecure about her body and constantly compares herself to other girls, so JJ reminds her she's beautiful. 
Warnings: Just fluff


When Y/N would compliment other girls, JJ didn't think anything of it at first, she was always a kind person and he just thought she was being nice about them. But soon JJ started to notice that she would compare herself to them and he got worried.

"I love her bellybutton piercing! That looks so cool!" she whispered to her boyfriend, watching a pretty redhead sporting the diamond jewellery walk down the street.

"You should get it done, babe, it'd suit you," he replied, thinking Y/N was jealous of the piercing, not the girl.

"No way! My stomach's far too big for that."

"Your stomach is perfect, love," JJ frowned, pressing a kiss to his girlfriend's cheek.

A week later they were at a beach party and Y/N had an unreadable expression on her face as she stared at all the tourons and fellow pogues having fun.

"Wow she looks like a model, I wish my legs were that long."

"I like you being short baby, means I can use you as an armrest," JJ told her, demonstrating his statement and resting his elbow on the small girl's shoulder.

JJ made sure to always compliment Y/N, but she never believed him, worried he was lying or teasing her like the boys in grade school did.

"Hey, Y/N - Sarah and I are going shopping for bikinis today, wanna come with us?" Kie asked the other girl when they were enjoying a summer afternoon at the Chateau.

"No thank you, have fun though!" Y/N smiled cheerily through tight lips. JJ could tell she wasn't happy.

When Kiara and Sarah had gone, JJ nudged his girlfriend's knee with his own playfully, but she didn't do it back like usual.
"Weren't you just saying the other day you didn't have a bikini?"

"I-I don't need one."

"Sweetheart it's summer now, of course you do. I can buy it for you if you like?" he offered, he didn't have much money but he would do anything to please his girl.

"It's not the money, J, but thank you, I just don't like the way I look in them," she whispered, trying to avoid his blue eyes as hers filled up with tears.

"But you're beautiful? What's not to like?" JJ asked in confusion, putting his hand on her chin to make her look at him.

"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend," she sighed, turning her face away.

"I'm serious though, you're gorgeous," he continued honestly.

"Can we please change the subject?"

JJ didn't want to push anymore, so he watched movies with Y/N for the rest of the day, paying extra attention to holding her hand or kissing her to show her how much he loved her.

After work one evening, he'd come back to the Chateau to find Y/N passed out asleep on the sofa, a catalogue of swimwear open on the floor where her hand had dropped it.

JJ decided he would make his girl feel confident if it was the last thing he did, so he found a bikini he thought Y/N would like, and left it on her bed for when she woke up to find.

"JJ, what's this?" she asked curiously, holding the swimsuit up and showing him.

"A present, for my pretty girl."

"JJ you don't have to do this."

"I want to sweetheart, you deserve to feel good about yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I'm still in awe of the fact I get to call you my girlfriend. I see the way you look at other girls and I wish you treated yourself with that much kindness."

Y/N didn't know what she did to deserve someone as perfect as JJ. She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly, sniffling a little against his shoulder and burrowing her face deeper into his chest.

"Thank you, JJ, I love you."

"I love you too, pretty girl, now are you gonna try it on?"

Y/N had newfound confidence as she tried on the bikini, she tried to see herself through JJ's eyes, and couldn't resist the small smile that crept onto her face as she stared at her reflection and wasn't disgusted for once. JJ knocked on the door and she muttered a quiet 'come in', still staring at her reflection.

"You look perfect, baby," JJ smiled, pressing kisses to her neck as his hands crept their way down her sides to rest on her waist.

"I love you."

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