Enemies Pt 1 - Rafe Cameron

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Summary: Rafe and Y/N have always hated each other, but anger makes for passionate sex, so they have an agreement.

Warnings: smut, language


"Do your little friends know you're here?" Rafe mocked, kissing my neck, knowing I would blame the mark on a disposable touron.

"No," I replied, trying to hold in a moan as he pressed my chest further into his bedroom door.

"Does anyone, princess?" His words tickled my ear as he trailed his hands painstakingly slow down my sides.

"I told you, Kook, this is a secret," I spat, letting out a sharp gasp as he thrust into me from behind without warning.

"No one knows what a slut you are for my cock, do they?" he drawled, pounding into me harder.

I swear that boy was gonna be the death of me.


I couldn't remember the first time I'd started sleeping with the Kook King.

We'd hated each other our whole lives, even when we were kids. My little sisters were friends with his but we came from the poorer side of the island which he never let me forget. He hated his sisters hanging out with mine and I hated him for it. He was a stuck up, pompous asshole but he sure knew how to treat a girl in bed.

The first time he kissed me we were drunk at a party; he'd actually done me a favour when a Touron was getting too touchy with me and he'd dragged me away, telling the guy I was his girlfriend. I tried to pretend that I was interested in the guy and Rafe had ruined my chances of getting laid.

He'd called me a liar and pushed me against the wall. I had kissed back.

It started with hooking up at parties, in bathrooms or spare bedrooms where no one could see us together. I would ruin his reputation.

My friends had no idea either, he was a sworn enemy of the Pogues and I knew that they would hate me for it.

I hated myself for it too.

But he was addicting. Usually guys were sweet and gentle and I didn't have the heart to tell them what to do in bed. With Rafe he knew all the right things to say, knew what got me going and all the right spots that would have me squirming underneath him. I hated that I enjoyed it so much.

I'd snuck out of the Cameron's house more times that I could count, our escapades always ended as soon as he came. He was a gentleman and always made sure I finished first, but the minute he'd finished inside the condom it was my cue to leave, not even a goodbye was uttered as I threw my clothes on and shimmied down the drainpipe.

Our agreement was strictly friends with benefits, and it would end as quickly as it had started if either of us caught feelings for someone else.

I knew that I wouldn't be the one to break the agreement because as much as I knew they were just hatefucks, I couldn't deny the way he made me feel.

"Good girl, cum for me sweetheart," he praised, this was the only time he would ever speak nicely to me. I made the most of it.

"It's too much," I cried, tearing his back apart with my nails as I clenched around him.

"Come on whore, you can take it," he spat, knowing I loved it when he changed the dynamic of his words. I never knew what to expect.

We finished at the same time, but instead of pulling out and leaving me to go like he usually did, he collapsed on the bed next to me and flung his arm across my waist.

"Uh, round two?" I asked, wondering if he was just taking a quick break.

"Nah I'm tired."

"I'll just-" I started getting up to leave but he gripped me tighter.


I didn't wanna ruin the moment by asking any questions so I let myself enjoy the feeling of being in his arms.

"Uh, do you wanna change our agreement?" His voice tickled my neck but I stayed still as I spoke, not wanting to face reality right now.

"Have you caught feelings for someone?" I asked, trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

"Yeah, you."

Well shit, that wasn't what I was expecting. I didn't know how to respond so I said the first thing that I could think of.

"Fuck off."

He looked taken aback at first, and I sprung off him, pulling the duvet around my body as he sat up too to face me.

"I'm serious. I like you Y/N. I don't want this to be just a hatefuck anymore. I wanna date you, for real."

Speechless was an understatement as I searched his eyes, waiting for him to yell at me to get out, or to laugh and say he was joking - but he didn't.

"I'd like that too," I managed, softening when I saw something other than hatred or lust in his eyes for once. Affection?

"Do you wanna stay the night?"

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