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summary - Simon and Harry can't resist each other whilst on holiday hehe

Harry was the happiest he had been in a long time.

Recently he came out to all of his friends and they had been more supportive and accepting than he could have ever imagined. Everything that he was worried about whilst in the closet seemed so silly now. The boys didn't treat him any different to before and Harry felt so much more comfortable now. It was as if he was starting a new chapter in his life, and everyone was happy for him.

And Simon. Wow. Even his name made Harry's heat skip a beat. For a long time, Harry had found himself unexplainably drawn to Simon, even before he realised he wasn't straight. Looking back, there were many occasions between the two that definitely did not seem heterosexual, although obviously at the time both Simon and Harry dismissed their feelings as purely platonic.

Simon had come out only a few months before Harry actually.

So 2 of the sidemen were finally out, everyone else was completely cool with it and the boys would be taking a trip to Ibiza to celebrate the fact that they had just hit 10 million subscribers. Life had never been better.

It was quite obvious to all of the other sidemen that something had shifted in the pairs relationship. It was actually JJ who first noticed the changes; for the most part they were only small. Like when they were filming a MoreSidemen video and Harry subconsciously rested his head on Simons shoulder. Or when Simon would wrap his arm around Harry to comfort him or tell everyone to quiet down when he noticed that Harry was getting overwhelmed.

Slowly the others started to catch on. One afternoon after recording, Simon was being uncharacteristically gentle whilst helping Harry and Josh almost made a comment about how Simon wouldn't have been so patient with anyone else. But he stopped himself. Maybe because watching them interact with each other was so incredibly adorable - how comfortable Harry looked and how Simon would finally show his softer side.

Josh began to pay closer attention to the two. In the airport, they sat almost on top of each other, sharing earphones and a tube of Pringles. Simon kept chuckling to himself whenever Harry would half mumble half sing whatever song was playing. Josh felt slightly creepy staring at the two until Tobi came and sat next to him and they gave each other a knowing look before silently continuing to stare at them together.

On the plane, Simon gave Harry the window seat. He knew Harry would be asleep soon, but for the first 10 minutes of the flight Harry would be the happiest whilst staring out the window, and so of course Simon let him have the best seat. Harry didn't even last 7 minutes into the flight before closing his eyes and letting his head rest on Simon's shoulder. They stayed like that for the next few hours, Harry asleep and cozy, Simon watching some comedy whilst sipping a Bloody Mary and stroking Harrys hair occasionally.

They landed at 1AM and everyone was exhausted except Vik, who had somehow drunk 4 cups of coffee whilst flying. He was subsequently put in charge of getting everyones luggage and calling a taxi. When they were finally on the way to the villa, Harry fell asleep again, snuggled into Simon. They sat in comfortable silence the whole journey, admiring the sea view.

The next morning, Ethan woke up first and managed to wake up almost everyone else. Despite sleeping on the flight and in the taxi, Harry woke up last. It didn't matter however, as they were not to hit the club until 8pm. That meant there was plenty of time to head to the beach, or simply enjoy the spacious villa. Everyone decided for the first day, they would just spend the afternoon in the pool.

Simon wandered over to him and Harrys shared master suite whilst humming happily. He was sure Josh paired them up so they could have some privacy, and Simon was immensely grateful. Harry wasn't in the room, and Simon glanced out of the window to see him standing in the garden already. From here Simon could take the time to appreciate Harry. He was incredibly toned, but effortlessly, and at the same time he looked so unbelievably pretty and soft. His smile was almost as dazzling as the sun and the droplets of water on his smooth skin made him look like he was glowing.

How did Simon get so lucky?

He'll never know.

All he knew was the sight of Harry looking so beautiful made him want to bring him up here and just fuck him senseless.

There was something about the way Harry seemed so unaware of how jaw dropping he looked that made so irresistible. Simon just wanted to show Harry how stunning he was, by making him feel incredible.

But alas, he couldn't right then. So instead he spent the rest of the afternoon, imagining what he would do to Harry as soon as everyone else would leave them alone.

Harry was just as desperate as Simon ; the Spanish heat was doing something to him. He managed to do a better job of hiding it though, spending most of his time in the pool, pretending the whole time his mind wasn't constantly drifting back to Simon, and what they would do to each other....

Finally, it reached 8pm and Ethan decided it was time to go out. All Simon and Harry had to do now was separate themselves from the group, sneak back to the villa and they would have hours alone.

This was surprisingly easy, as within the first 10 minutes everyone else began with the shots. Simon simply told Josh that him and Harry were going across the road, and that they would stick together and go home together. Josh, who was barely listening, just patted Simon on the shoulder and told him to wash their sheets. This made Harry blush, although he hoped it was impossible to tell under the bright LED lights in the club. Tobi, who had been nearby, burst into tipsy laughter, making Harry wonder if they all knew him and Simon had been incredibly desperate for each other all day. Before, he could say anything however, Simon had taken his hand and was leading him outside, away from the blasting music and flashing lights.

When they were finally home, neither of them hesitated to rush upstairs. They kissed each other with a passion that hadn't been there before, maybe because they were both too excited to think about anything other than each other. The night was young and so were they. They were finally alone and could finally do what they had been waiting for all day...

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