CHAPTER 5:Who are you?

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"She's getting away!" Yelled the doctor. We were all frustrated about losing the masked woman, especially me. I had her right there, how did I lose her?!

"This is all your fault! You were on the perimeter! How that shadow gets in!?" Yelled Wally to Artemis

"That's not really fair, I was outside too." Stated M'gann.

"You two were arguing instead of keeping a lookout. I was on her trail since she jumped the fence, I was the one who saved you, Wally." I said irritated, I was pissed off. Not at them, but myself.

"Well..ugh!" Grunted Wally.

"I'm sorry H/n that we weren't paying attention." Said M'gann as she caressed my hand.

"Um...Yea thanks for saving me...even though I still don't know who you are!" said Wally but whispering the last part.

"Focus everyone. The shadows will be back." Stated Aqualad.

'Robin to Aqualad, we're over Philadelphia. We've Located The Shadows' next target. Star Labs. Were too late, It's destroyed! Destroyed! The fog decimated it.' Said Robin over the communicator.

"This is bad, Star Labs is cutting edge science," I said rubbing the bridge of my nose.

'Yes, and now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy, What's our next move?' said Robin

"Rescan for that Fog, Find it. We're gonna have to move the Doctor." I said looking towards the team especially Aqualad, He agreed.

We were now stationed at a cabin. I stood in the room with the doctor, Artemis, and Wally. They began glaring at each other.


'So childish'


'Stop it, both of you.'

(Kid Flash + Artemis)



'I can hear you glaring'

I then felt a chill down, my spine...Somethings wrong. I started walking outside.

"Where are you going?" asked Wally.

"Somethings wrong, I can feel it," I said as I slipped away into the shadows, to the outside.

"No really, who is this guy?" Said Wally.

"I don't know, but he's hot" Stated Artemis.

I reached outside, and there he was Aqualad, who was on the ground. It looked like he was thrown into the van in front of the cabin.

"Aqualad!" I yelled, the black figure was standing in front of Aqualad. As he got up, another man was above him. Before he got to attack Aqualad, I tackled the silver white-haired male to the ground. To end this fight quickly, I released my white mist, knocking out the silver-haired man and the black figure. I then sat Aqualad down somewhere safe, since he was injured.

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