CHAPTER 9: Erased

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I, Batman, and the rest of the team stood in the main area. Aqualad had just come back from his trip to Atlantis. We all looked at him.

"Just in time for your next mission," Batman said. Aqualad nodded. Batman pulled up a screen.

"The Watchtower detected an immense power surge. In the Bialian Desert."

I woke up in the middle of the desert. My brain was a bit fuzzy. What happened?

I stood up and looked around, I was alone. I couldn't find anyone until I heard a scream. I quickly took out my wings and flew towards the sound. A Martian girl was dodging attacks from, a guy who wore the Superman symbol. I quickly flew into him, tackling him into the sand.

I let go of him, he didn't fight back. He just...left. I put my wings away and looked over at the Martian girl.

"You okay?" I said as I slowly walked up to her. She blushed and looked at me questionably.

"I feel like I know you." She spoke, almost as if trying to convince herself of what she was saying.

I raised a brow at her. She then flew away disappearing into the desert. What's going on? How come my memory is

I took out my wings and started flying around, maybe to find some answers. As I flew around I noticed someone running...quite fast. I followed them, it looked like they were carrying someone.

I followed them from the sky, they had stopped. He had put the girl down and they were talking. Before I could go down to talk to him, the guy from earlier came crashing down into the sand. He hit the red-head guy sending him flying into a rock. The blonde girl started shooting arrows at him, which didn't seem to work.

I flew down, tackling him once again.

"You sure know how to make friends," I said once we hit the ground. Out of nowhere, a missile was headed our way.

"Great.." I covered my body with dragon scales and used my wings to cover King Kong here. The missile hit us.

I removed my wings from around him and put away my scales. The guy flew towards the big Tanks and sent the missile towards us. I saw the blonde girl on the ground and helped her up, she was knocked down from the blast.

We stood there watching this superbly take apart these tanks and take out the people on them.

"What side is he on?" The blonde girl questioned.

"Want to stick around and find out?" The redhead asked.

"Don't know but every time I see him, he attacks anyone or anything that is in his way," I said as I crossed my arms.

They both looked up at me.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked.

"I'm, H/n. I think we should go" I said. They both nodded. I grabbed the girl flying in the air, while the Kid Flash, used his speed.

Not too long after, fighter jets started shooting at us. I used my scales to shield myself but used my wings to shield the girl from the bullets.

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