Chapter 12: A Nightmare In Young Justice

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Let us have you...

I stood in a room filled with mirrors. The lights were dim.

I could see the dark tentacles of black mist, creep up from behind.

Wrapping around my ankles tightly. As it soon creeped up my body.

No matter how long you fight...we will make you ours.

I tried to scream, but nothing would come out.

The mist moved up my neck, suffocating me. Moving up my face, It felt like this was it.

I couldn't breathe! I NEED TO BREATHE!

I woke up, taking a heavy inhale. I felt like I could breathe again. I started to hyperventilate, my chest rising and falling quickly.

"Whoa, Y/n. okay?" Artemis asked as she laid next to me. Her hand on my chest.

I laid back down, closing my eyes. Trying to calm my breathing.

"Yea...fine" I said in between breaths.

Artemis looked unsure but she nodded. "Ok...let's go back to bed, it's 4am." She whispered softly.

I nodded. "Uh..yea. Let's go to bed" I sighed and she rested her head on my chest. I held her tight, as I laid there staring at my bedroom ceiling, til later on that morning.

Artemis started to wake up and she looked up at me. I was still staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey...have you been up this whole time?" She asked, a bit of concern laced in her words.

I sighed. "Uh, yea..."

Her eyebrows furrowed..."You're arms! You're chest!" She said frantically she moved the blanket back and looked over my body.

There were deep red laceration marks all over my body, up my neck, reaching my face.

Her soft hands light grazed one of them on my chest. "What the hell happened!?"

I got up out the bed. "It's nothing," I said as I grabbed me a shirt putting it on.

She sat up in the bed. "No, y/n it's not just nothing. One moment you're waking up out of your sleep like your life depends on it. Then, I'm waking up to you still awake and marks all over your body. Something is going on"

I aggressively ran my fingers through my hair. "It's nothing okay. Now just leave it and don't talk about this to anyone else. You hear me." I said as a bit aggressive.

She looked up at me and stood up. "Fine...I won't. Just don't talk to me like that again. Remember on your side." The look on her face softened and she left my room, slamming the door.

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. I could feel that same darkness from my dream creeping up behind me.

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