Chapter 10: Downtime Pt.2

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Hey, I'm back! Enjoy!😉

After last mission and getting our memories back, we thought we'd hangout out for a days.

I sat on the couch, watching tv. I was pretty bored, throwing a few grapes into my mouth. The next grape, I was throwing into my mouth didn't make it...

"Ha! Not as quick as I thought" Artemis laughed as she plopped down on the couch next to me, eating my grape.

"Ha ha, you love stealing my fruit don't you" I smirked.

Her face started to turn red. She rolled her eyes and responded.

"Oh whatever. You and that cute smirk...annoying" She gave me a slight smile.

I laughed a bit and smiled, "Annoying because you love it"

Before Artemis could answer, Wally and Dick walked over sitting on the couch.

"Ew, get a room" Dick rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up, Dick" Artemis said with sass.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Crazy how people can use your name against you"

Dick rolled his eyes, while the rest of us laughed.

"You're lucky I just started liking you" Dick said before taking my bowl of grapes walking away.

"Uh...hey!" I yelled after him. I saw M'gann walking over with her same cute smile.

"M'gann! My girl!" Wally, ran up to her. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! Um, hey Wally..." M'gann said, a little caught off guard by his words.

"Hey, M'gann" I smiled. I could feel Artemis eyes burning into my soul.

"Hi, y/n" M'gann smiled and quickly sat on the other side of me.

"Are you kidding me!?" Wally said annoyed. Groaning as he left the room.

I laughed a bit to myself. M'gann and Artemis sat close to me, talking to me.

"I like your hair, I've never seen anything like it" M'gann smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair. 

I smiled, "Well, I was born with it so" I shrugged and Artemis slowly ran her hand across my chest.

"So...I was thinking I'd join your workout sessions. You know just me and you?" Artemis said as she continued to rub on my chest.

"Yea, I don't see why." I said as my arms wrapped around both of their waists, pulling them into me.

I could feel the heat from their bodies, rising.

"I could get used to this" Artemis said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"" M'gann stuttered. I could tell she had a lot going through her head.

I laughed a bit. "let's just enjoy the rest of this movie." That seemed to calm her down. She rested her head in my lap and my fingers ran through her hair.

I walked out into the main entrance of the Young Justice, base. Where I greeted Roy,

"Hey! What's up?" I dapped him up.

"Hey, I thought we could hangout.? Like we talked about the other day" He said as he looked up at me.

"Oh, yea sure. What do you have in mind?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I thought we could bring it back like old times" He said with a smirk.

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