Chapter 6: Who am I?

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‼️ Mention of Suicide‼️

‼️ Mention of Suicide‼️

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The mission was finally over, well not the shadows are still out there but the side mission of protecting the doctor is done. Meaning it's time to finally answer Wally's question.

✨"Who am I?"✨

When we got back to Mount Justice we were greeted by 'Batman' 'Flash' and 'Martian Man Hunter' you know it's weird calling them by their hero names.

"What are you guys doing here?" questioned Wally.

"Y/n! Little bro, I heard you did well on today's mission!" said Flash shocking everyone.


"Lil Bro?"

"Y/n Is not Flash's little brother, the league is Y/n's only family." Said Batman placing his hand on my shoulder. I took off my mask, finally ready to feel normal again.

"Yea I left my home planet when I was only 13 and now the league is like my family," I said looking at Batman and the rest of them.

"And I thought he couldn't get any hotter" Stated Artemis, honestly it made me laugh a little.

"So you are from another planet?!" exclaimed M'gann.

"Yes, I'm from planet Doragon, the planet of Dragons," I said showing my planet on the screen.

"So wait a minute here so you are telling me our "second in command" is from a planet of dragons?.." Robin questioned laughing a little.

"I know it may sound crazy but it's true" Stated Martian Man Hunter.

"Enlighten me," said Conner as he folded his arms

~So I told them about my planet, why I left, and my powers. By the end, some were intrigued by what I do and some, like M'gann, felt bad about how I was treated.~

"Honestly Robin we constantly deal with crazy shit every day, and you're surprised that there's a dragon planet and Y/n can change into or summon a deadly two-headed dragon," said Roy.

"Oh, whatever," said Robin annoyed.

"What are you doing here anyway Roy?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"Just came to check up on you and see how you were settling in." He said.

"So, I go on my first real team mission, and you, Batman, Flash, and Manhunter come and "check up on me" Why?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well, you know how you can get y/n," Said Flash

"What do you mean?" I ask genuinely confused. This made everyone else question.

"Y/n you know you kinda go into a dark place when on missions." Stated Batman.

"Oh, you talking about that. I didn't though and it will never happen again, and it hasn't in a while so don't worry." I said starting to get annoyed. I can't believe they thought It would happen again, I promised them. Do they, not trust me?

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