Chapter 11: Downtime pt.2 continued

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Two chapters out all in one day!

"I'm sorry about all that...Let's talk about this huge mission to your planet"

After hearing that my body tensed up...and my body started to heat up. The last thing I wanted to talk about...was my planet.

"Right...Doragon. Let's talk about Doragon"

"Are you okay? You seem a bit tensed..." Diana looked at me worriedly.

I sighed and nodded. I leaned back into the couch.

"How about I get you something to eat? Then we can talk?" She got up as she talked, walking to the kitchen.

I nodded and leaned forward. My elbow rested on my knees, as my hands clasped together. I sighed as my head hung low.

The thought of maybe having to go back home, was heavy on my mind and heart. My mind was filled with the horrible memories, from when i was a child.

It made my skin crawl. I could feel a lump in my throat, my body felt hot.

"I'm thinking...Alfredo. What do you thi- Y/n...?"

I heard, Diana's soft voice. I lifted up my head and looked at her.

"Are you okay?" She had such a worried look on her face.

I nodded. "Yea, why?"

She cleared her throat, "Because...your smoking"

I raised a brow in confusion "What?"

"Your body is so hot, it's steam coming from your body" she said frantically, she quickly ran in the kitchen.

I looked down at my hands, looking at the steam rising from my hands.

I need to calm down...

"Here drink this" She rushed over and handed me a water. And placed a cool rag on my forehead.

"Cool, off. I know when it comes to the topic of your's a lot for you. So if you don't want to talk about it. I understand." She said as she patted the cool cloth against my forehead.

I sipped the water, and started to relax against her caring touch. "No, I want to talk about it...I just had a moment. But I'll be okay"

After Diana finished cooking, we sat down at the dinner table. We started to eat and I felt her eyes on me.

"Come on, let's talk about it" I said before taking a sip of my drink.

She sighed, "Great. Right now we're figuring out the layout of your planet, Doragon. Based on the map you created for us"

I nodded. "Right, figure out the layout. The easier you guys can get in and out." I said before taking another bite of food.

"Exactly, we'll  need you. So we can get access into the planet. I remember you telling us about the area on your planet called 'The point'"

Diana took a sip of her wine.

"Right...I forgot about that." I sighed and took a bite of my food.

"I understand you don't want to go back. But we just need you to get us in and to get us out."

I nodded. "Right, of course...I be there." I continued to eat my dinner.

"Just parents may be on edge than usual. The people are mostly likely as well. The Dragons are probably way more hostile due to no one caring for them since, I'm no longer around. Just some things to think about before you guys go."

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