CHAPTER 3: Young Justice

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(A/n: credits to artist and owners of the pictures)

I and Alfred had finally made it to Clark's place. As I was saying my bye's to Alfred he started to exit the car as well, I was confused but I guess he wanted to walk me to the door. Before I got to ring the doorbell Clark opened the door with a huge smile.

"Hey, Kiddo!" He said happily

"Hey, Clark!" I said back giving him a hug. After our hug, we did our cool handshake... and that's when this happens.

"Alfred get me to his a little lower...oops sorry a little higher...there we go."

" come we don't have a handshake." Whined Bruce he was dragging out the, hey and he WAS ON FACETIME! No wonder Alfred left the car.

"Haha, are you jealous Bruce" Teased Clark as he placed his hand on my shoulder. These two are ridiculous, it's either Diana and Dinah or Bruce and Clark, or even worse the whole team going at it.

"Pft, no. I was just wondering." Stated the driving Bruce.

"Didn't you have to get somewhere sir?" I asked.

"Yes, but I just wanted to see you go kid." He said while taking a glimpse at the phone.

"Ok you saw me. Now pay attention to the road, bye," I said dragging out the bye and then hanging up the phone.

"So I've been summoned," I said turning around from the phone back to Clark.

"Oh yes!" Clark exclaimed. I said bye to Alfred and told him when he gets home to relax, the man needed it after having to deal with me.

"So what did you and Bruce do?" Clark asked.

"We had an awesome water gun war! It was fun, I and Alfred were waiting to attack him...then BAM we both shot him with the water guns. But then we both ran out and Bruce got us pretty good." I said sounding sad at the end.

"Sounds like it was fun." He said with a smile.

"SO what are we about to do?" I said curiously.

"We're gonna make you a temporary suit." He said looking down at me.

"WHAT! Are you serious!?" I said yelling.

"Yea kid but it's only for now." He laughing at my reaction.

I and Clark sat at the table and started brainstorming ideas for my suit.

"How about a cape?"

"Um. sorry captain wonder but did you forget...I have wings."

"Right. I forgot."


"How about this we figure out your hero name."

"Good Idea!"

"How about the king dragon"

"No, how about h/n (and if you can't think of one use 'Doragon')"

Young Justice x Male reader harem Where stories live. Discover now