Chapter 8: Downtime

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Nelson was gone, leaving only me and Wally.  Wally was trying to give him chest compressions, but it wasn't helping.

"Wally there's no use"

"Well, I have to try!"

I sighed, the weird-looking witch kid continued trying to break down the bubble Nelson left us.

"I want the helmet, and I want it now!" The kid screamed as he attacked.

"Don't think that's gonna happen weirdo" I said, as my arms crossed.

Me and Wally both looked at the helmet before M'gann started talking to us, Telepathically.

"Wally, Y/n we're in trouble.  Tell Kent we need Doctor Fate."

We were running out of time. I looked at Wally and nodded over to the Helmet.

"Test of fate"

"If you put that on you may never get it off!" The witch boy said before popping our bubble.

"Aww, you care." I teased.

Wally put the Helmet on and I brought out my wings.

"Let's have some fun"

"Give it up, Nabu! Order went out of style in the 20th century!" The kid yelled as he threw magic at Doctor Fates/ Wally Shield.

"Have you seen yourself?" I said before sending him back with a strong gust of wind from my wings. Slamming his body into the wall.

"Brat" Doctor Fate/ Wally yelled before sending a beam at the weirdo, he disappeared when struck.

I noticed him reappearing, I hit him with lightning using my lightning manipulation.

"No!" He yelled.

The kid threw a huge force of magic, Doctore Fate/ Wally turned his back towards the kid, trying to block it.

"Bad Idea," I said as the kid sent magic toward Doctor Fate/ Wally. Before it could hit him, I was just in front of the blast and used my dragon scales as a shield.

"You!" The kid yelled

"Me?!" I said sarcastically, my hand on my chest.

"Did you forget about me, how cruel" I smirked.

Doctor Fate/ Wally stood next to me. The kid started firing shots with his magic. Doctor Fate/ Wally created a shield but was soon broken. I created a lightning bolt, sending it his way. Hitting him.

"No, Fair!" He yelled.

"Come on Doctor Fate, let's end this"

I and Doctor Fate started to take out the weirdo together. I summoned my demons, from under the kid. The demons held on to his legs, not allowing him to move.

"NO! STOP, YOU FREAK!" He yelled. I even trapped the little kitty.

"I'm the freak? Yea, what's going on with you're hairstyle again?"

Doctor Fate/ Wally sent another beam at him, while I used my black mist to trap him.

he screamed in agony. His body dropped to the floor. He looked at me and Doctor Fate/ Wally as we floated in the air.

He slowly grabbed his cat,

"We're out of here!" He yelled, disappearing.

"What a coward," I said, my arms crossing.

I went back to where the rest of the team was. they were being electrocuted, by the other guy.

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