"Let the fears out"

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                  "Turn down the lights, turn down the bed, turn down these voices inside my head.
Lay down with me, tell no lies, just hold me close and stay a while"

Abir POV :

After making sure, Mishti was sleeping comfortably I kissed on her eyes and came to the balcony to get some air. I was fidgeting with my fingers when I heard Kunal calling me "Bhai! " but I didn't reply him so he came near, stand beside me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder which make me look at him. He asked with so much concern in his voice :
"Is Mishti alright, bhai?" The moment I listened this much concern for Mishti in his voice I just hugged him tight which make him more worried "Bhai, please, what happen? Tell me Mishti is fine, right?" Then I calmed myself down and turned my face looking to the dark sky and the moon with a deep breath I said "Nanko, her psychiatrist told me that  Mishti is recovering fine from that particular incident so her panic attacks are in control but she also realized, she has been holding so much pain or more likely fear inside her from very long and those fears can empower her so much which can be dangerous to her." I choked at that but Surprisingly, Nanko being strong hold me with my arms and make him look at him " Bhai! First of all you relax and Mishti is one of the strongest woman that I've ever known and you're also with her , you help her dealing with all the fears and then she'll definitely come out of it." I don't know what took me over, with anger and sadness in my voice I screamed " How!!! How I'm with her!! How I'm supposed to help her when she herself shuts me out or don't let me in and pretend she's absolutely fine even when she's not. I don't force her but that doesn't mean she'll keep shutting me out and hide her emotions from me." Then lowering my voice I asked while pleading " Nanko! Didn't she trust me enough? I know I let her down before and it's my fault but Nanko I can't see my Mishti living her life in any kind of fear. I want my angry chorni back who's fierce" With that I broke down in my little brother's arms. How quickly time moves my Nanko is holding me and comforting me after sometime he slightly pushed me and with stern voice he said " Bhai, firstly stop blaming or doubting yourself." I try to cut in but he didn't let me "No bhai, listen, honestly, I don't know how to help you but the only thing I know which I've learnt from you only is to Be Honest. Tell Mishti everything about you and your feelings" I gave him a confused look as Mishti knows everything about me maybe more than I know about myself. He smiled while looking at me "Really! Bhai Are you sure you've always being honest with her? Look bhai I can just say if you're completely honest with yourself, then only she'll be able to open with you."
It wasn't the straight up answer I wanted, but it made sense. I always tried to be honest with her but I have keep things in. The thing about us is we are always honest and transparent with eachother but somehow because of situations it has lost somewhere but I'll not let that happen,
"Think she'll be up for some dinner soon?" Kunal's voice interrupted my thoughts to which I replied " Yeah! We'll come after sometime, you go have dinner." He was going when I called him "Nanko!" He looked back "When have you become so mature?" To which he irritatingly answered "What Bhai!!" Which made both of us laugh. After kunal left my mind slumber back into the thoughts "Actually, there are many things which Mishti don't know especially after breakup though I told her reason of that but still we haven't really talked about that which was so important she deserve to know how hard it was for me for staying apart from her I also deserve to know how she handled her in those 2 dreadful months. And like these there are many things which I've to honestly open her. First, I've to let her in then only she'll stop shutting me out. Yes, I'll talk to her honestly whatever I've been kept away from her"
I got my answer. I looked up and said "Thankyou partner for showing me the path, please stay with us so that Mishti and I will make through this too."


Mishti POV :

I woke up with the sudden jerk and looked widely around the room then closing my eyes once again moment later I realized "Wait! I was on couch then how come I was sleeping on bed, ofcourse it would be Abir who make me lay here". Coming out from bed I looked for My ajeeb Rajvansh "Abir!!" But I got no answer so I went out to see where he can be I called him "Abirrr!!" Then moment later I saw him standing in balcony lost in his deep thoughts. "Well he's looking hot in that white tshirt" I secretly smiled at my thought. I quietly goes behind and back hugged him "Why didn't you wake me up, Abir?" I asked him softly. I know he smiled at that holding my hands in front of him he said quietly " Because you were sleeping so comfortably." Then he turned around and I was still holding him from his waist with a stern in his voice he said "Kunal told me, you didn't eat properly since afternoon " I tried to pull away Under his intense gaze but he didn't let me and holding me with my arms with so much sincerity he said " Mishti, It seems you're not taking care of yourself properly" then he softened his look and continued "Look, Mishti if I'm at home or not you'll eat and take care of yourself properly for me atleast or tell me if you can't I'll appoint a caretaker who'll keep tabs on you and will inform me if you're being careless." It shocked me and I suddenly said " No, No I'm sorry Abir, I promise I'll eat and take care of myself properly but don't appoint anyone and I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you" I made a puppy face to which he smiled and pulled me in his warm embrace. Few minutes later we come out from eachother embrace and he said "ComeOn let's have dinner I'll bring us food from the kitchen, you go in room." I nodded as I know we are late and everyone else have their dinners already. So after coming in our room I was thinking "Abir looked upset maybe that's because of me and I've to do something to uplift his mood. Yes!!! I've an idea I quickly go to Washroom and change into crop top and long skirt though Abir loves me in saree but I know he also secretly likes me in this outfit too. Anyway I heard his voice "Mishti, come, I've bring us our dinner." I told him to wait for a second. I opened the door of Washroom and peaking out my head I saw him sitting on sofa with his back towards me I quietly come out and play the song
"Aithe Aa...."(you're free to imagine any song ) He turned around and stunned seeing me like this I just love to shock him with my naughty shades. I started to dance for him and during that I teased him a lot but he suddenly stand up and gave his infamous intense look to which I though he maybe got more angry with me but he grinned and start dancing crazily with me, I suddenly lost my footing and fell on Abir which make him lost his balance and we both fell on bed. We look at eachother and broke into laughter after calming down I get up and rest on my elbow looking at him I was about to ask something but got lost in his eyes as He was looking me with so much love and adoration, his eyes darkened with desire which was making me shy I was about to get up when he pulled me against him and tightened his hold around my waist brushing out the hairs from my face he said in a husky voice "Aren't we so much late? To which I get closer to him and we were about to kiss but he said "I said about the dinner angry chorni what did you think?" And gave an evil smirk which make me hit him and I went towards the coffee table to serve the food I turned around saw him leaning against his elbows and was watching me intensely with the smile which made me blush and I said "What? Are you going to look me whole night like this?" I turned my face shyly  when he hold my hand and pulled me against him watching me intensely, he claimed my lips in a sweet, slow and soft kiss surrounded me with emotions of love, caring, tenderness, and happiness.
He deepened the kiss as I leaned up and into him as he buried a hand in my hairs. I raised my hand to his neck, sending emotions of love, trust and compassion right back to him. Pulling apart I looked away and blushing hard but he rose my chin up with placing a finger under it and make me look into his eyes "I love you, angry chorni, more than anything else." I hide myself into his arms and mumbles the words into his chest right back to him. After coming out from the zone we smiled and Finally had a dinner peacefully making small talks or teasing eachother.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. So, how was it? I hope Mishti's problem is rightly placed and kunal's advise for Abir to be honest is the best thing I can think of the solution. I hope you all enjoyed it and you can run your imagination how crazily they both would have danced. Give your feedback. Vote and comment! If you like it. Thankyou!
         - All Love
                  Sakshi Arora.

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