"Opening Our Hearts"- part 1

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"Your love, it burns
Away my darkness
You guide me when I'm blind
You are the light
That shines inside me
Showing me I'm so much more"

Mishti POV:

I was really numb after seeing where Abir was taking me but giving myself a moment I calmed down ask him as why he's taking me there but he said to trust him. There are no questions raised when it comes in trusting Abir. But the moment we reached I was on the verge of panic mode but hearing Abir voice I calmed down my nerves nd hold his hand tightly. Then coming out of car memories started to flooded in front of my eyes and Abir gave me enough time to relax and compose myself.
He told me to trust him and he also said how were honest with eachother even when we were not friends so, I thought if we are talking honestly about everything then I want to know all the feelings of Abir which he has been hiding from so long. So I said him softly "that till today he always listened to me my problems, he even understood the feelings which I didn't even say" and I guess he's also the thinking same thing and want to open his heart out to me. So I was listening him carefully when he started to speak:
""Angry Chorni, after.... I mean when I last meet you here and broke your heart, your trust" I tried to interrupt him but he didn't let me and continued "No, mishti let me complete, before I broke your heart, I died million times inside. What I want to say is We both lost a part of ourselves here. Help me to find it, help me to find us."
After hearing this my eyes filled with tears and I looked at him his eyes were glistening with tears too because this is true we both have lost some part of us here only and we will surely find it together. So grabbed his hand put closer to my heart looking deeply into his eyes "You're right Abir, we lost some of our parts here but we will find it because our love and trust is still the same or I would say more than before."
I said it with full determination.

Abir POV:

After hearing from her with so much determination that our love and trust is still the same no not same but more it gives me some other kind of strength that we got this. I kissed her hand which she has been holding close to her heart, wrapping her shoulders with my one arm and pulled her closer kissing on top of her head. We sat in a silence for a moment just feeling each other's silence and presence. Moment later, Mishti asked " Abir, Have you ever got so much feared in your life  that you don't even know why you're that much afraid?" I smiled at her question and answered "Yes, Mishti when I saw you unconscious in the middle of road and your head was bleeding that time I get very scared." She looked at me with confusion. "Don't you remember when we met at mobile shop after that you met with an accident." She quickly replied to that "Ofcourse I do, but that was kunal or wait! Was it you who saved me that day?" I looked away when she asked me. "Look at me Abir, and tell me why didn't you never tell that it was you who saved my life and why you said it was kunal?" "Because I was  stupid, I was... I was scared of what I was feeling, I don't know why I felt so connected with you when we were not even proper friends and then nanu's words came into my mind and might you're a girl for Nanko who could bring positive changes into his life so the only thing I could think at that moment is to make kunal Hero in front of you and your family." I said all this in one go and she was looking at me with so much disbelief and just utter "That was really stupid." I first thought she's mad at me but she smiled and gesture me to explain so I began "I know it was stupid, but that's how I am Mishti, I sometimes takes decision in the flow of my emotions which many times turned out wrong and make things more complicated. But you Mishti you always have a control on your emotions and take the decisions wisely. So yes that was the first time I felt so scared and I didn't even know why I was that much afraid." I felt Mishti rubbing my back which was giving me comfort on another level. After sometime she spoke "Who said I always took decision wisely?" I gave her a questioning look to which she smiled and said "First promise me, whatever I'm going to tell you you will not react impulsively." "Mishti we are here to listen eachother today and open our heart out about the things which we are holding inside due to whatever reason." I said calmly to her. She started to speak "You remember Abir, at Kuhu kunal's sangeet I asked you to meet outside."  To which I replied "Yes and then you were only not there and when I find you, you didn't said anything and started to ignore me." Listening this she looked away for a while then turning back to me she said "That night I took a wrong decision in the flow of my emotions, in the fear of falling things apart. Abir , yesterday in the garden I told you I prepared a better surprise before so ,this was it. I planned a surprise for proposing you at the top of bus."  Which gave me a shock " What? Then why didn't you?" She looked and answered "As I said, Abir in the fear of falling things apart, actually uhm... Maa said that if I tell you about my feelings then she'll broke kunal and kuhu's alliance." Honestly, I wasn't shocked at hearing this Maa could definitely do that so before Mishti could speak further I completed her sentence  "And you would never want that because of you or your feelings their relation would get broken." To which she nodded her head I held her more close and she kept her head on my shoulder.

Till now I realised that there are many things which we've kept from each other knowingly or unknowingly. "Angry Chorni, that was not only the time I get scared next time I was scared like anything when I saw you in the middle of fire. Mishti, at that moment I felt like my whole world was crashing in front of my eyes so without thinking anything I jump into that fire to save my world, to save you And when I got you, you said you were there to save my painting. At the very moment I came to know what I feel for you, why I feel connected with you, why your pain, your smile, your happiness affect me so much Mishti I knew I'm in love with you which was wrong but I couldn't stop myself falling in love with you and I got scared very very scared." all this while she was listening me quietly and when she realised I stopped talking she snuggled deeper into me and said " Then you backed out and tried to go away from our lives as you don't want that any trouble would come in between me and kunal's alliance because of your feelings." I nodded at that and then she asked "Why you came back then?"
"Because I realised reading your diary that the things you liked about kunal actually it was me who did that. So, how can I let you choose the one who's not right for you because all the time it was only meant to be US "

She raised her head and her eyes were glistening with tears looking deeply into my eyes she said " It was always us Abir and from the very beginning I've this feeling it wasn't kunal who saved me from all the things it was You but I ignored it. I love you Abir, I love you more than anything else." I whispered  "Mishti" I hugged her tight after hearing what she said "I know Mishti, I love you too."

Mishti POV:

It was getting dark till now and after hearing every thing what Abir said which came straight from his heart out I can feel every bit of his emotion that How much he was afraid of his own feelings, how many times he ignored his emotions for me, for his family. My man has really lived his life in under so much emotional distress but not now I'm here for him. He can open his heart out to me without any second thought. He always says whenever he's in confusion or in problem or he's scared I'm his strength But he also should know that it's the same thing for me he's my strength in my problems, in my fears he always became my strength and make me fight more fiercely than before. So I started to speak "You know Abir, you always said I became your strength when you're in problem or you're afraid of anything. But you should know when I was loosing hope, when there was only darkness your voice, your words, You showed me the ray of light." He looked at me curiously

" Yes Abir, on the day of our Goddhana I went to Rajgarh to find out baba's truth and I got kidnapped." After hearing this he looked at me shockingly for a moment then pulled me to him so tight as he's scared that if he would loose his hold onto me I'll go somewhere. But I caressed him lovingly just where his heart is giving him assurance that I'm here. Calming down a bit he made me look at him and said " Tell me about it, tell me everything Mishti please." To which I replied "I'll tell you first you calm down, okay!" So, I started to tell how I met parul massi's sister who told me about kunal being massi's child and when I tried to reach him, I got kidnapped by some goons which are send by Mehul kapadia. I continued telling him "Abir I was so scared at that moment, loosing all hope that if I wouldn't reach you at the right time you would've been trapped by him and you'll have to pay for all his illegal activities." He was looking down and trying to pulled away I knew he must be thinking I suffered because of him so I told him " No, Abir, don't you think for a moment that I suffered because of you. "But Mishti I wasn't there when you needed me the most, I couldn't be able to save you." He said in a lower tone with disappointment in his voice. "Who said that to you Abir, if I'm here it's because of you, Your shayari, your love, your faith in me gave me strength to fight and I was able to reach you safely." Tears were rolling down from his cheeks I brushed them away and made him look at me "Abir, you saved me it was always you who protect me from everything."  "Angry Chorni" he desperately kissed my forehead, eyes, cheeks and said " I'm so proud of you. You're a fighter Mishti with or without me."  To which I smiled and tried to say something but he kept his finger on my lips and said " No, Mishti you've been always strong, always independent and a fighter with or without me which make me so proud of you and you dare not to forget that." Which overwhelmed me and I again put my head on his shoulder and snuggled into him.
He was rubbing my forearm which was giving me so much warmth.

A/n: hello folks, hope you all are doing fine. And tell me how's the conversation going between our MishBir are you feeling their essence. Just a little more deep conversation then we'll come to light and happy moments. Ignore the errors. I'm confused at the village name so adjust it.
           -all love
                 Sakshi Arora

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