"Opening Our Hearts" part 2

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"However far away, I will always love you,
However long I stay, I will always love you,
Whatever words I say, I will always love you,
      I will always love you"

General POV:

Sitting in eachother embrace and thinking how much they both have been through so much but they strongly fight from all the fears and now here they are together.

Mishti POV:

It's been while we are sitting without speaking a word because we don't need words to understand eachother feelings and we both know we need a little break. But I wonder Abir is been hiding a lot of his pain in his heart especially the time when we were apart for 2 months I'm sure he was holding so much in his heart that time and it's high time he should be relieved from all the pain or regrets. So, carefully I started to speak "Abir, tell me about it, tell me about the time when we were not together, how you lived?" He was looking away but I made him look at me and cupped his cheeks and said "please, Abir what was in your heart at that time, what were you feeling?"
He gave a sad smile and said "Heart, living my life huh these were merely words for me Mishti without you, do you remember what I said at my birthday?" I was getting flashback of his birthday:

"M- Duniya idhr ki udhr ho jaaye par tum ye kbhi nhi kahoge ki Mishti mai tumse shaadi nahi kr skta.
A- Esa kuch kehne se pehele Abir Rajvansh apni jaan dedega."

My eyes filled with tears after remembering our talk and I barely murmur "Yeah, I remember." He closed his eyes and With a deep sigh he said "So, Mishti before saying I couldn't marry you I died 1000 times inside.Damn it!! It's even worse if that day someone would have given me a choice of death or broke your heart I would've happily choosen to be dead." I looked at him with fear and desperately wanted to stop him to say but I know I couldn't because now Abir will only stop after pouring out his all pain which he has been buried inside and I want him to do that. So I didn't stop him but snuggled deeper into him, rubbing his arm to give him comfort he grabbed my hand and kissed it lovingly before continuing "Mishti, Maa hitted me when I was weakest and the stupidity I've done is not coming to you how could I forgot you take the wise decisions in these type of situations and my decision not only complicated the things but also give us deep pain. Mishti that was the biggest mistake I've done in my life and after our last meet here the way I behaved with you so that you hate me and it would become easier for you to forget me and move on." I know it will be difficult for him to continue and for me to listen further about what happened here months back because that was the most painful moment our lives. So I told him  "Enough! Abir! Whatever has happened on that day I don't want to remember neither I want you to be hard on yourself for that day as we've already covered the sorry part of that day. It's done we've overcome that what I want to know is after that the time we were apart from eachother." After listening that he relaxed a bit and started to tell "Without you I was a poet without poem, painter without colours, I was breathing, smiling, doing everything what I could to make others happy but it was all without life because my poem, my colours, my life was you Angry chorni. I was living a complete lie and fake life. I buried my emotions, my feelings, my pain somewhere deep into my heart and never let anyone see it.

Every night I sleep with a hope that next day everything would be changed and you'll be in my arms but after waking every morning I just get nothing but a disappointment." He choked on that and I was on the verge of cry after hearing how my Abir suffered and felt the same pain which I felt maybe even more. But I controlled my tears and continue listening him "I was getting suffocated with each passing day but no one cares or try to see that, then one day I saw you in front of my eyes it seems like I started to breathe again but seeing you with someone else my heart breaks into million pieces again." I looked down at that and he just rubbed me arm lovingly to telling me that I shouldn't feel ashamed before continuing "I was the one who wished you would move on in your life and have someone in your life but then I'm the only one who was getting jealous Because I couldn't bare to see someone else is making you laugh or seeing you cry on someone else shoulder or comforting you as I was the one who should be there doing all those things for you and I started to feel more suffocated with all those jealousy and insecurity. And I just want to confess you the truth but then kunal comes to know the truth about his birth and that also by you. Mishti I was angry, jealous, insecure, frustrated also scared too. I was overwhelmed with so much mixed emotions that I don't know how to react so whenever you came in front of me and wanted to speak up to me I end up shouting or insulting you  but I completely broke down Mishti the day I pushed you I knew at that time I don't deserve you as I hurted you beyond limit and it should not be acceptable at any cost but what annoyed me most you were not bothered by it you still want to clear everything and in that guilt I keep pushing you away from me." He said all of that in one breath that I couldn't even able to console him. He was crying now and between sobs he said "I'm sorry Mishti I'm sorry I hurted you so much you don't deserve that."
I pulled him into a tight hug and he buried his head under the crook of my neck I kept rubbing his back until he calm down and let all his guilt, pain or regret let out. After a while he calmed down and when I saw him it was another kind of relief on his charming face like all those pain he was holding washed away cupping his cheeks I wiped away his tears kissing his forehead I said "It was not only you, who took wrong decisions under emotional distress, I've also taken most stupid decision. leaving you here, when my heart was not allowing me to go away from you, i knew from inside you're not okay, you were lying to me because I know you Abir,  I know your heart you couldn't hurt me like that I mean you couldn't even hurt anyone like this no matter how you're feeling. I knew whatever was happening was not right something very wrong happened with which I was unaware of but I ignored every voice inside my heart, choose to run away and left you. But in London also I wasn't happy it's like I was suffocating every minute, I want to cry but tears wouldn't come, I want to scream but no words were coming out. I just want to run away run until I get tired of thinking anything, I wasn't feeling anything because Abir you were the one who taught me how to love unconditionally and I did but everything seems so exhausting for me at that time that I couldn't able to think properly.
And then seeing my condition nishant advice me to come back to India and planned to make you jealous so that you confess all the truth. But as I said I wasn't able to think properly I just needed you, I just wanted you back into my life anyhow so I agreed to it but I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't involve Nishant into this as it was between us. How could I forget whatever it is whether it's wrong/right it's always about US. Just to get a reaction out of you I took the wrong decision despite knowing how would you feel if you see me with someone else. If I would've told you all the truth beforehand then nothing would have happened but Abir everything happened so fast that I couldn't even get the time to think I mean you were already so upset by baba's truth and I dont want to increase the pain by letting you know about kunal's birth too but it doesn't change the fact I was at fault I'm sorry Abir I'm so sorry how can I forgot you told me to always say truth no matter how hard it is." Tear were flowing unashamedly down my cheeks and Abir was just caressing my cheeks to make me calm down. Holding his hand I said "We both get lost when we aren't together, we both take wrong decisions when we hide something from eachother, we both give eachother pain if someone else come between us because It has always been About Mishti And Abir and will always remain about US." He nodded his head and pulled me into him and said "Yes, Mishti it's always about us and from now I'll never let anyone come in between us. No one will be ae to break us apart."

Abir POV:

I felt so light after pouring my heart out to angry chorni I've never felt so much peace before. And after hearing her heart out too I get it if it's something she's afraid, she's afraid of loosing me, she's afraid of loosing US and she's right we both get lost without eachother. I pulled her into a hug and said "Yes, Mishti it's always about us and from now I'll never let anyone come in between US But you also have to promise me one thing." She looked at me curiously to which i replied "Always Tell me what are you feeling no matter how small or how big that thing is but just be honest with me I want us back Angry chorni enough of living in fear I'm not going anywhere or if I would go I'll take you along with me, I know Mishti I disappointed you even after marriage I left you alone again your fear about me leaving you is justified but don't let that empower you, I'll tell you this again Angry Chorni you're strong, independent and fierce with or without me. I don't want to be your weakness I want our love will only give strength to both of us just the way you always gave me strength. Give me all your pain, worries or any kind of fears you're holding I'll not let all these thoughts will make you weak." I don't know what happened but just after hearing what I said she clung to me buried her head into my chest holding me so tight and started to cry, I let her do because I know she's been holding so much from very long. I started to say soothing words to her "Shh.. Mishti it's okay! Everyone's got their weak moment cry as much as you want let it all out whatever you've been holding but after this I want my angry chorni back who'll rise like a wild fire just like before. I feel so proud of you because you fought so bravely with every problem never forget who you are, I love you Mishti I love you more than anything else."
Her loud sobs turned very light after hearing my words and she calmed down like a ocean calmed after the storm. She pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.

Mishti POV:

I haven't cry so bad in a long time I let all my pain, guilt, fears, anxieties out I kept on crying until I hear Abir's soothing voice and I started to calm down with his every word I felt so much relief and peace  which I didn't feel in a while. It's like I'm free from all the things I was holding now it's just Abir, me and our love. I pulled away and looked directly into his eyes he was looking me with so much love that it got me lost in his eyes. He started to move closer to me but I stand up and move towards the tree shyly. He come back to me moving closer he turned me around  His eyes were darkened with desire and he grabbed my arms and pulled me into a heated kiss. I was flushed and feeling really warm.
He pulled my waist to him and slowly walked me back until my back was to the tree. He raised one hand from my waist and placed it on the tree; he raised his other hand and buried it in my hair. I finally stopped letting my hand sit lamely by side and raised them to his neck. I locked my hands around his neck and leaned up into him deepening the kiss.
I'd never loss myself so much in a kiss. I couldn't think, everything was just warmth and joy and something I couldn't identify. Both of our emotions flowed , heightening the others emotions and driving us to press together harder, to deepen the kiss even more. If I didn't have to breathe I would have never broke that kiss.
Unfortunately I did, so I broke it. I gasped heavily for breath and looked at Abir in shock. He was looking just as winded and surprised. But we both laughed seeing eachother expressions. He pulled me into a hug and said "It's really a long and exhausted day for both of us let's go home, love." Without breaking hug he take me into his arms towards the car and we left for home.

A/N : Eveything is out now they both have honestly poured their hearts out in front of eachother. The thing about MishBir is they're never judgemental and I love that. Only few more chapters before winding up the story. Keep supporting.  Keep reviewing. Ignore the errors.
      Much love
            Sakshi Arora

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