Ch. 18: Transfer

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There's a loud pounding in my head. An overstimulating thump as this glorified box seems to blind me and twirl about. Something I have felt plenty of times before. Doesn't hurt more than a moment now. That's the cost when they get inside your head. Even without the tesseract, I am still under their control.

Scaring her off was the least I could do to keep her safe.

I turn away from the door. Fire lurks in my grin as I softly mumble. "They suspect nothing. They know not of my reason for destruction, nor your need of the stones. I assume that's the benefit of having fooled Thor for so long, the thoughtless brute he is." His annoyed breath is soon followed by a much-dreaded question. And as for finding the stones? "The tesseract is undoubtedly back on Asgard, where it belongs. Soon, I will be there once again. All I require is some way to escape my restraints and it shall be yours." Another huff. Very well. I take a subtle breath as relief floods my lungs. It is just as quickly expelled as he continues.

See to it that you do not fail me a second time. Or do you need a reminder of your punishments?

I shake my head slowly. "I understand perfectly." My heart thrums in my chest and the pain returns yet again.


Not a moment after he's left I collapse to my knees. A burning sensation envelopes my skull and I can barely keep my eyes open. It's worse than previous encounters, yet I'm fully aware that he could have done much much more damage if he had felt so inclined.

I need to get out of this mess.

The floor beneath me sways like the sea, so I pull myself to the sorry excuse of a bed that I have been so thoughtfully gifted by my wondrous captors. Maybe some sleep will help ease the pain. And with it, hopefully, this ache of guilt in my chest...

If only I had the chance to properly ensnare the troublesome beast known as rest before I was on the move yet again. My new chambers awaited me within Asgard. No Midgardian fools roaming about, no "New York" (whatever happened to the old York is beyond me), no puny, so-called Avengers...

And no more Donnie.

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