Ch 7: K.O.

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"Alright Mr. mischief, what the hell is going on here?!" The god in green just sat in a corner of his trashed cell, seemingly numb. But as I got closer, I saw another lump of flesh in the opposite corner. Donnie. She was out cold, small nicks on her foot and bright pink and purple bruising on her hands, save for the darker spot she had when she first arrived. What the actual fuck happened here? Loki just sat there when I opened the cell. He obviously hadn't cared I was invading his space. He was too zoned out to even realize I walked into the containment area, to begin with. "Hey. Destroyer. I'm talking here," I speak louder, snapping in his face. With a start, he practically jumps out of his skin. "How the fuck did she shut herself in here??"

She collapsed. Left me alone again. Only I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to slap her awake. Make her explain how she fit into the web of lies. But I couldn't. I just sat and watched as she hit the floor. I don't know what I was thinking when my feet dragged me towards her. Clearing an area for her. She was frail. Light. It made her easy to carry. But as soon as I had placed her, I turned away and walked as far away from her as I could get. I slid down the glass, my mind once again flooding with all the possible scenarios she could've been through. And I couldn't think of a single, full explanation. Nothing that could've made sense to me.



Footsteps were barely audible through my daze of wonder. She wasn't scared of did she change so quickly? Just yesterday she cowered before me at the slightest noise.

"I'm talking here," the man of iron seems to materialize before me, bringing me out of my trance. "How the fuck did she shut herself in here??"

"Huh?" I mutter, still not entirely processing the words ringing in my ears until a gear finally clicked into place. The girl was still in my cell. "I asked-" "She just...she walked in. That's all I have to explain." I clear my throat, interrupting him. Maybe I can regain my composure finally.

"...You can't open or shut the doors unless someone pushes the button outside."

His eyes lock onto me, a disapproving glance as he looks at the mess I've turned into. My facade contorts in disgust. How dare he. "I did nothing if that's what your look means to imply. She simply waltzed in and collapsed," I lie. My mind wanders towards the wooden box and its now scattered contents. Perhaps I can fix it...? With a slight twitch of my finger, the ashes and clumps return to their rightful place behind him.

"What are you...?" He turns his head to look and I cough violently, gaining his attention once more. There's one problem narrowly averted... "I just thought I saw the light flicker," I rasp. So easy tricking such mortals. "Well, don't pay attention to the lights, answer the question." He grits his teeth, gripping my chin. Forcing me to stop avoiding him. My mind wipes itself. I was no closer to deciphering her than I was before. "We got into a disagreement. She stepped through. She slapped me. She collapsed." I gripped his hand and pulled him off of me. "That is what I remember." He nodded, still skeptical of me and my intentions.

He turned his attention back to the unconscious woman laying on the floor, hurriedly lifting her out of the chaos and shutting the door. A chance to escape and I didn't dare think to take it.

"Alright kid, let's get you to bed..." He carried her away. Taking her to her little nook of a room. Where I couldn't see her. The box still sits on the floor, motionless. "And you, miss, need to be where you won't get kicked and flung everywhere."

Why the hell am I so sore? I sit up, laying in my own bed, under my new sheets. How long have I been out?

Mom sits on the shelf again. No signs that Loki had-


I turn to look out the window that someone must've put in while Tony and I were out. Huh... Must not have noticed earlier. He's there. The cell is cleaner now, though I'm not sure if he truly cleaned or if he is hiding. I jolt out of bed. I said I'd go back down when i was done! Shit!

With a stumble, I open the door and run out only to bump into someone. "Miss Donnie, what alarms you?" Thor placed a strong hand on my shoulder, cautious not to shock me again. "I just- Tony said...where-where is everyone?" I finally get it out, my breath as though I had just run 10 miles. Loki's eyes on my skin didn't help. "The others have left. I was informed that you were unconscious and told to make sure you were alright, " he explained. They...left? They must've had an assignment or something. I sigh and nod to thor. "So it's just us three."

Something filled my nose. Familiar, but...i couldn't place it. "Lady Donnie?!" Thor spoke up, catching me by my arms as the ground beneath me seemed to sway. "This place is not suitable for sleep. Are you feeling well?" As soon as I noticed it, it was gone. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit dizzy I guess." A chuckle escapes my lips and I attempt to regain control over my body only to be carried back into my room. "I told you, I'm alright." "Yes, you did, " he started. "Right after having almost falling and further causing damage. What troubles you?" I sigh and find a seat on my bed. How am I supposed to explain that a weird smell almost made me blackout because of something that happened years ago? "I. Am. Fine. Really, I don't see why this is such a big issue." He continues his worry despite my reassurance. "You have real potential, miss Donnie. Not only as a warrior but as a person. I do not wish to see such potential go to waste because you refused to nurture it or yourself. Your body requires rest and is actively requesting it. I find it best to listen." I don't know how to respond, so I just nod slowly at the words. Yeah, because going unconscious constantly seems like a great and totally useful resource. Another pat on the shoulder with another bright grin. "If you wish I can bring you food to eat." "Seriously, I'll be-" grrgggl "...what is there for food?" I place my hands over my stomach as it begins to cramp and twist into the most uncomfortable of ways. His cheerful laughter rings through my small room. "I shall return shortly."

"Not quite a feast, but it is still sustenance." The tray before me holds Midgardian refreshments for young miss Donnie. However, how am I to open the door? With a moment of thought, I simply kick my foot against the door to signal my arrival. "Ah...may I have some assistance, miss?" Silence. Odd. I could've sworn that she was very much awake before I had made my exit. Oh well. I decide on placing the tray on the floor. "Miss Donnie?" She paces the length of her chamber. "I have brought sustenance." She seemed troubled. Childish somehow. "Miss?"

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