Ch 4: Loki

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I wobble tiredly as I find my way through the dimly lit corridor towards the holding cell. Not even a moment after I walk into the door, my eyes betray me, closing quickly at how bright the lights in the cell seem in comparison. Once I finally adjust, I realize something. The god is pacing. And he looks pissed.

Despite how loud the door seemed to be, he must not have heard me. Maybe I can sneak past him?

"It's rude to stare, quim."

Okay...maybe he did know. With a tired breath, I made my way past his containment cell, still wary of him. He might have been locked up but doesn't make him any less angry. Or dangerous.

Without any form of warning, he slams against the wall loudly, making me jump out of my skin, wanting to run for cover. I tremble as I duck into a ball on the floor. A maniacal cackle fills my ears, ringing throughout the walls around me. I slowly look up to find him laughing to himself.

"Pathetic! I couldn't possibly believe you'd fall at something so simple as a noise! At least I got YOU to kneel." A twisted, sinister grin spread across his lips like wildfire.

Shaky legs slowly lifted me to my feet. Before I even had the thought to be angry at him, or scared, or anything, I just ran into the small room. Away from the immediate space surrounding the cell. I ran to my 'room' and laid on the bed, too overwhelmed to do anything else. What if he could break the glass? What if he can escape and I'm forever known as the failure who couldn't keep the world safe?

All I could do in fear was hide in my room with my back to him. So that's what I did. I could still hear his taunts. I could hear his mocking words as they pierced my heart like daggers. "Let me guess, the only reason I'm stuck with you is due to that mistake this morning? You know you don't belong here, pathetic mortal. For all we know, you're as dangerous as I am. However...I doubt something so dangerous runs away in cowardice." I close my eyes and cover my ears with a pillow.

Wait...if he could break out he would have done so already. Right?

I block him out, and soon he gets bored. The insults dull and once again there's only muttering and footsteps. Numb, adrenaline-filled tears slide across my cheeks as I lay on my side. He's just an asshole. Like everyone else. Just another bully who's not worth the time. Just another problem who wants me to crash and burn and shatter into a billion pieces. Only this time, its because he got caught. Because he can't handle his own mistakes. But it doesn't keep the words from hurting.

I drift to sleep.

Maybe the morning will be better.

{Loki-Hours earlier}
A small me stormed out of the castle. The marvelous silver and gold of Asgard not luring me closer, but pushing me away. Why do people not like me? My heavy, tired footfall thudded quietly against the ground as I ran through the gates. My mind, full of innocent trickery, running wildly with different thoughts. Maybe I could replace father's liquor for something weaker? Or I could tie Thor to a tree for a few hours, watching as people run rampant in search of the missing prince. But the main thought that crossed my mind wasn't the joy of seeing my older brother disappear, or my father angrily requesting a new beverage. What really made it difficult to concentrate on the world surrounding me...was that I didn't just want to pull something so simple. Especially in a saddened, anger-filled storm.

"How can you not treat him as he deserves? He is your son!-"

"He is not my son!" Odin yelled at my 'mother's remark. "You know as well as I that he will NEVER be a true king! Never be a true Asgardian, nonetheless! He will always be the monster he was born as. No matter how many times you say 'my son', you know as well as me that it is not true."

My eyes filled with pain in the form of cold, heartbroken tears. A monster? Nonsense! I am Loki Odinson! But the words stabbed my heart as they tumbled through, piercing me as though a needle had gotten loose, poking and prodding as its sharp points attempt to find its place again.

I trip, suddenly, over my own feet. With a yelp, I tumble to the ground and scrape my hands. The impact seems to have dislodged my pain as tears finally begin to streak my face.

"You're a monster. But a weak one."

Odin's laugh in the distance makes me uneasy. "I just wanted to be equal!" My small voice shrill, shaking, painful. "Why? Because I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?!"

My voice rings in my ears. Though, not the young, high-pitched squeak escaping my lips. The familiar words flow into the air surrounding me. Where is the source of this mockery?! "Hello, 'brother'. Up to the same old mind-numbingly stupid tricks, I see?" The laughter and taunts continue. Even my own voice joins into the fit. I find myself no longer in Asgardian form, no longer in the same childish body. Deep blue skin covers me head to toe, patterns etched into my monstrous form. "Jotun!" "Monster!" "You will NEVER be a true king!" The words echoed in my ears. My hands running through my slick, black hair, as my mind loses control.

I can't breathe.

The cold seems to smother me. Is this...Is this how I die?

I wake, coughing and gasping profusely as I attempt to regain my breath. The tight, smothering feeling lingers as I adjust myself. Cold streaks across my face as though it were underwhelming war paint, stroked on at random.

With a quick movement, I wipe the dampness from my face. My breath catches when I realize I'm no longer in Asgard. I'm still on 'Earth'. Far far away from Odin. However, I wasn't lucky in avoiding Thor. The oaf who refers to me as 'brother'. How wrong he is. Truly pathetic. Tears streak my face yet again as I stand to my feet, breaking the small table in half. My rage knows no limits as I destroy the small space I've been provided. My foot bloody and a chair flipped, but I couldn't care less.

No one would see anyhow. Not the mess, not the pain, not the vague moment of vulnerability. None of it. I can always hide behind an illusion. It's the only thing that's truly ever worked.

I just wish Frigga could've saved me the heart ache before I escaped.

I plop onto the floor, leaning against the wall as more tears flow through. Puffy pink eyes stare back at me from the glass. Even as my illusion paces across the pristine, orderly room, I can still see my heartbroken reflection staring back at me.

They wanted a monster. Did I meet their expectations? Do I fit their criteria now?

I sobbed silently, my chest heaving as fury and hurt run rampant through my bloodstream. I hold my breath as the heavy, mechanical door slides open to reveal yet another pathetic-

...Well, isn't that interesting.

My blurred eyes spot the Midgardian who brought me here to begin with and the scene repeats itself in my head. She obviously senses something as she watches my illusions movements. "It's rude to stare, quim," I hissed, watching her tense up. Was it fear? Disgust? Surprise? Ah, who cares? Her uncomfortable reaction eased my rage a bit. Her demeanor was unchanging as she stiffly walked past me. A pained smirk plays across my lips. With a thud on the glass, she falls to her knees, her hands flying over her head as she curls into a ball on the floor below. Weak.

I start to boil over, furious. The illusion begins to rant. "Pathetic!" We barked. "I couldn't possibly believe you'd fall at something so simple as a noise! At least I got YOU to kneel." I snarled at her as she stood up and ran. Still unable to see me. The true me. And I'm glad for that.

She would have said the words if I hadn't. She would have attacked if she thought I was weak. Never am I to let my guard down. Besides, vulnerability is for the weak, pathetic Midgardians, and Thor, the hopeful moron who attempts to lead them.

The mortal guardian (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now