Ch 2: Relocation

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"Onwards, Miss. Charm!" Our feet hit the pavement as we dart out of the store. Oddly enough, there's no more than a drizzle left. The claps of thunder retreating into the distance. Gold sunlight shines blindingly through the bright red leaves that dangle like jewelry from thin branches as the god drags me aimlessly.

"Hey!" My heels dig into the ground in an attempt to halt the stubborn man. "You don't even know where I live!"

Stopping in our tracks I slip from him, letting out a small yelp as my back lands against mud and rainwater. "Of course! My apologies. My mind had wandered elsewhere." I open my eyes, trying to stand. The injury I caused my hand didn't help...ow. A large hand grips my arms. "I shall provide assistance."

Before I have time to react, he pulls me to my feet, motioning for me to lead. I double-check myself. Wallet, keys, groceries...I look at the puddle to find my phone. "Lovely..." I reach for the small electric box...only to realize A) that's not a good idea, and B) it's not mine. Someones having as bad a day as I am it seems. I check my pockets...nothing. Well isn't that just grand? With a sigh, feet touch pavement and I move forward yet again. It only takes a moment before I'm home once again. The cold wet cloth clings to my skin as I put in my passcode. Vrrrr vrrrrrr cliclik. At least I did something right. The door creaks as I slowly crack open the door.

"Mom, we have company." Shadows flee into corners as light invades the once dim hallway. What do I do with my groceries? My furniture? Who's going to watch my home? Can I take mom with me? What to pack? this still my home? Looking around sadly, thoughts crash into my brain as I see the neat couch. A blanket draped from the back. My mother looks at me from a small wooden box on the mantle, silent but watching. The books all on their shelves, everything in order. "It's wonderful. This is your home?" I nod to myself, as my worries disperse like fog on a hot day. " long will I be there?" Turning to face him, he returns the look of uncertainty. "I'm unsure, miss charm. But I shall find someone to watch your home while you're away if you like."

A smile finds its way across my lips. "Much appreciated." It takes a moment before I realize I still have to pack. "You can sit on the couch if you want. I'll be down in a moment." He nods and makes his way to the couch, his hair still fluttering slightly as though it were made of gossamer. He looks a bit ridiculous.

Right! To packing.

Floorboards creaked under the weight of the living, groaning as I move into the next room. My bedroom stays very plain. A pale pink splayed against the walls. My small 'bed' made neatly in the corner. Pale grey blankets and sheets cling to the mattress. Never really had much use for the frames. A dresser leans against the opposite corner as though it were unable to support itself.

I pull my suitcase from beside my bed and drag it to the tall wooden drawers lined by neat rows of shirts and jeans. All I have to do is place them. ...shit. Forgot about my clothes. I hurriedly fill my suitcase and pick out clothes to change out of. I shuffle out towards the bathroom. "I'm packed. Just need to change-oh! Can't forget." I pick up a small wooden box from the mantle. Can't forget her. I place her in my suitcase. "Keep an eye on my luggage?" He nods, lighting up a bit. "With pleasure, miss charm." "Just call me Donnie. Alright?" He chuckles. "Alright." I return an awkward version of his smile before turning away. Why can I not think straight?

With the door closing, I fall apart the world has seemingly gone completely mad in under 24 hours. My slumping shoulders drag me down and I sit on the floor while trying to keep my heart from bursting. Another pain-filled episode. I hear a male voice in my head. The same voice that's been ringing through the pain for as long as I can remember.

"Easy, Deedee. You can make it." I take deep breaths as I get to my feet. "Ah..." I hiss as my tender hand hits the tile floor. I make my way towards the bathtub. My clothes sit on the toilet lid. Waiting for me. I start the shower and strip. Muddy shirt. Soaked pants. Just a quick rinse and hair wash, and I'm gone. I jump in quickly, the freezing cold water making me jolt as my skin turns numb. "Shit!" It takes a minute for me to adjust, warily dipping my hand into the stream. The water runs a light brown with dirt and grime. My shaky hands scrub my skin and hair as I attempt to take deeper breaths, being careful of my damaged appendage.

Not three seconds after I stepped in, the water runs clear and I take a small dot of shampoo to my scalp. "Shit!" I mutter, wincing as suds find their path into my eyes. Fumbling around, I yelp softly as my feet slip from beneath me. "Ow..."

I sigh. Creeeaak "Miss- uh...sorry. Donnie? Do you survive? I heard a terrible crash." Thor's voice booms calmly from the opposite side of the shower curtain. "I'm alright. But there should be a small, square piece of fabric on the sink. Do you think you could drop it into the shower for me...?" After a moment of shuffling, he speaks up. "This blue rag?" "Yep. Now throw it into the shower. You think you can do that?" A light thud in front of me tells that he followed instructions.

A grunt escapes my lips as I grab it and wipe my sore eyes. "Thank you." "Of course. I'll be beyond the door if I am required another time." I wiped my eyes, getting rid of the soap. "O-Okay." the door creaking closed yet again.

Fast forward, he's dragging me yet again towards somewhere in the city. I followed as he dragged me behind, aimlessly. "Are we there yet?" A sigh escaped to the air around my lips, floating before dispersing into the chilly autumn air. "Almost, Miss Donnie." His enthusiastic voice assured me that we had a short amount of time. However, when minutes feel like hours, I questioned his energy.

My brain wandered. What would've happened if I had stayed home? What would I have had for breakfast if I had known that today was going to be this dramatic? The gurgle erupting from my stomach reminded me that I hadn't even thought to eat something before I left. I'll get to that later...after all, everything was crazy as is.

It isn't until I bump into him that I realize he had finally stopped. "woah..." Stark Tower. One of the largest buildings I've ever seen...but, why was I here? It took a moment to process, though the large A on the face of the building would- no, should have led me to an answer more quickly. However, considering the Avengers were no longer wandering through my head, I had forgotten momentarily why I was here before the excitable God in the first place. "Onward! Follow, miss Donnie!" Without much warning, he quickly walks yet again, almost causing me to fall on the pavement beneath me. Luckily I found the ability to catch myself. Before long, it was in a small elevator...hoping not to make a fool of myself.

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