Ch 12: God of thunder

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Training was nowhere near easy for the new girl. Always slipping and sliding across the mats haphazardly. But she was determined. She had something to prove and wasn't ready to have anything get in her way. Well... Besides the punching bag that kept seeming to throw her back. She stumbled again, cursing herself.

She didnt even hear the footsteps coming from behind.

They crept closer and closer to the struggling girl, until...

"Is there a reason you're up so late?"

"GAhw" she turned around, ready to fight the intruder. She wouldn't. But if the main point was to intimidate, that wasnt happening either. She looks at the figure before her to find a man. An unfamiliar one, at that. "Did i forget to take my meds..?" She thought. "Well, if you did, i wouldn't know." He held his hand out for her and she wordlessly accepted it. Guess she thought out loud..

"Names Fury, " he said as she shook herself awake. "I'm here to check on Loki. Anyone else awake that i can talk to?" She shook her head. "Uh..just me." He looked around

"I heard that someone helped bring him back. A civilian. Do you know where they are?"

" Fury, sir?"


"You're, uh... looking right at her."

His eye widened a bit. "I'm sorry. What was that?"

She shifted on my feet, feeling awkward now.

"Hey, Nick! Long time no see. You here for the trouble maker?" Mr. Stark waltzed in, a night in shining armor here to rescue her from a nerve-wrenching conversation. "I am indeed. Still have a fucked sleep schedule, I see? Y'know, you should really do something about that." "Nah, id rather stick with my own method. It's called coffee," stark said with a smug grin on his face. Fury seemed to reciprocate, despite not showing much on his face.

"OH! I see you've met our newest recruit. Don, this is Nick. Nick, Don," he gestured to each person respectively before turning his attention. "She's the wonder-child that-" "took down Loki?" The strange man interrupted. "Exactamundo."

Donnie didnt pay attention, however. She stared at her feet and hoped that she could escape the room without them seeing her. Maybe if she just started walking? They werent talking to her, maybe they were distracted enough that they wouldnt notice? She started slowly making her way towards the door. However, any hope of escape vanished once Fury had started speaking to her again. "So, how did you take down Loki?" The girl shifted again, feeling a bit suffocated. "I- uh, I don't really recall.. I was...was shopping. Next I-next thing I know, I'm on the floor with somebody in a headlock." The room suddenly felt cold. Training in a teeshirt and shorts soon felt foolish. This wasnt gym class, its the Avengers tower.

"I should- should get to sleep...may I leave?"

She didnt know if either party saw her discomfort, but Tony had replied rather quickly.

"Sure thing kid. Just don't stay up too late. We have plans for you tomorrow."

She nodded before quickly walking out.

After a minute or two of walking, the tower was dark. Power outage? Great... And still being unfamiliar to her, she stumbled quite frequently. After yet another trip over the foreign floor, she was about to give up until she heard a rumble from outside. Her head lifted up. "What the...?" It took a moment before her brain had processed the sound more thoroughly. Thunder. She stumbled quickly ro her feet and tried running to the nearest stairs.

Sleep could wait.

She would feel even colder after going outside, but she didnt care. She needed the serotonin. Especially after all the crazy that had ensued since she had reached the tower.

She raced for the doors as soon as she hit the floor. The sound of rain hitting pavement immediately calmed her nerves. But the real adrenaline rush was the first drips of freezing cold touching her shoulder through her sleeves, the droplets that had collected on the door frame. Absolute downpour.

With glee, she ran out into the street, the city lights almost fully extinguished with the black-out. Her giddy attitude seemed to seep out of her and into the dancing droplets that traced her skin.

And in that moment, home didn't feel so far away.

{Thors pov}
The tap of water awoke me, after another sleepless hour. I couldnt quite imagine what Donnie had been feeling. After all, it didnt make much sense. After all I have seen throughout the nine realms, two midgardians becoming one seemed impossible. Though, it may just be that I have yet to see everything the universe has to offer.

I stood from my bed and looked out the window, though I dont recall why. However, once I did I saw something I never would have expected.

The city was dark, yet lightning bolts had illuminated just enough to show a figure outside the tower.


I rushed outside as quickly as I could. "Is there danger? Was something wrong? Are you well?" She turned to me, astonished at my presence. The water had left me dry, though she remained absolutely drenched from the downpour. "...what?" She seemed fine. She even smiled, despite my concern. "No, everything is okay...what are you doing up?" I sighed, smiling. "I may ask a similar question of yourself. What brings  you out in such weather as this? I'm told it brings sickness to your kind." Her shoulders moved, her smile never faltering. "Just needed to relax a bit, i guess." Her eyes wander to the rain surrounding us. "How do you...? Is that just because your a god?" "I would assume so. Though, I dont quite understand your use of the word 'god'. We perish just as you do. The only true difference is our lifespan." She chuckled a bit. "Yeah. And the fact that you have magic."

With that, she stepped back into the rain. And all I could do was watch her be the happiest I've seen since we first crossed paths. Her steps must've been astonishingly graceful and light, for she never splashed no matter how high she had jumped. I only smiled and sat, 'chaperoning' I belive Tony called it.

Once she had had her fill, she had seemingly floated over to me. "Ready to return to sleep, Donnie?" She nodded, shivering as the cold seeped into her bones. Yet she still grinned, cautiously wandering through the tower. "Here, " I remove my cape. "So that you dont freeze." She looked at me thoughtfully. "Thanks." She chatters. I place my warm, dry cape over her shoulders as we walk. "Should we not use the elevator?" "No. The power's out. It wont work." I stop. "Youre also speaking to the god of thunder." I chuckle, my strides leading me to the metal box. I place my hand on the floor and after a few moments, the lights shine through the tower.


The elevator opens before us. "After you, m'lady." Her shivering figure slowly walks in. "You go to rest. I need something before i return to bed. Sleep well." She simply nods and the doors close.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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