Ch 3: Meeting the Avengers

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I couldn't believe my tired eyes as the elevator doors revealed a large living area. Cozy, despite the size. My mouth gaped in wonder until a voice pried me from my trance. "I'm guessing you're the kid who brought down reindeer games."

Realizing that I was gawking, I quickly adjusted myself. "Um..." A slight cough escapes as I attempt to clear my throat. "...I'm-I'm Donnie. You must be Mr. Stark, right?" My serious and intrigued question changes in tone from what it sounded in my head as my voice betrays me, wavering in intimidation and awkwardness. "You can call me Tony. But everyone just knows me as Iron Man."

His bright smile doesn't make me any calmer. I had just cursed myself out for being nervous. However, he doesn't seem to notice my frustration. "Come on and I'll give you a quick look around." He looked behind me, smiling at Thor. Why do I feel so uneasy? I fake a smile and follow Tony, Thor disappearing somewhere. Though, he must be busy considering his brother had just been imprisoned.

"Everyone's waiting for ya, kid. But first, you might want to drop your stuff off." With the press of a button, the door slides open. Chills play my spine like a child with a xylophone, quickly pausing after moving back and forth roughly. Waves of cold air prick at my skin. And I see the man clad in green still unconscious, splayed on the floor of a small, box-like prison.

Funny how I can remember Thor's name, but the moment I try to remember his brother, everything goes blank. "I haven't really set it up yet. But..." A hand on my back eases me forwards, past the glass cage. "Oh, and don't worry too much about him. All his powers are confined to that little room. Even his clones can't get very far. Though, we have had a few hiccups in shielding the psychological powers. If something happens, just call me and I can-" "I shouldn't have much of an issue. I really hate to interrupt, but I can handle myself. I promise." I turn my head to face him. "If I truly need something, I won't hesitate to ask."

A sweet smile spreads across my face like wildfire, masking my anxiety associated with the job I have been assigned. He chuckles a bit at my faked enthusiasm and courage. "Well, I still figured if give the whole 'there if you need it' spiel."

His free hand - the one *not* keeping me moving forward - gestures to the keypad on the wall. "I already set some crap up; a mattress, some outlets. Stuff like that. It's just up to you to...decorate." He pressed a couple of buttons, the door before us sliding open. We're met with a small cot-like bed, the mattress relatively new. A small wood shelf, placed just high enough for me to see over. A short wooden dresser. "It's still a bit small, but this is what I could come up with in short notice. You think it's good enough?" My jaw dropped. This was done for me? "Yes! Yeah. It perfect." I try to regain my composure, clearing my throat a bit. Well, I don't feel awkward or anything... I step inside before he can say much else. "I just need a blanket. Then I'm alright." Turning, a small smile creeps across my face. "Thank you." He adjusts his sunglasses, returning a genuine grin. "Well, good to hear. I'm going to be finishing up and putting in a window so you can keep an eye on the troublemaker. But for a little while, you'll need to behave yourself." He chuckled a bit and moves his head, gesturing to the sleeping god. "Don't wanna give him any ideas now, do we?" It takes me a moment to realize what he means.

"Uh...behave?" You tilted your head. I get not giving him any chance to escape, but what does that have to do with me sleeping? Or, better yet, reading. And then it hit me- until they can obstruct his view, I'll need to find a way to change clothes... My eyes widen a slight bit and my muscles subconsciously tense up, leaving me to straighten out again. I flush a bit. "I don't really understand how changing clothes affect how I'm 'behaving', but I'll try not to let him see me." Now was his turn to look at me oddly. "...i meant...just..." He snickers a bit, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nevermind. Just be careful. We're still working out kinks in the cell and the prisoner." He turns to leave, winking. "Stay safe." And with that, he was gone again. Kinks? I shook my head. What the hell is up with Mr. Stark? Er...Tony.

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