Ch 8: Sitter becomes baby?

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{(M/F/N) [male friends name]}
"...What happened?" I ask myself. I look down at Donnie's body. Her hands move up as I watch them closely. Why is the room so dark? A man in green cleans his glass cage. This must be the man that we fought at the store. "Donnie, you've gotta wake up. I can't control for very long..." I mutter to myself.

To ourself.

The voice is hers but the words are mine. Shit...not this again. Get a grip (M/F/N)! You've gotta keep her safe until she wakes up again...all our legs do is pace from the edge of the window to her door. " you require some assistance, miss?" Maybe if I can try cold water? No... I've tried that before. Maybe if I... Uhm... Shit, I've gotta think of something... Wait, did she take her pills today? "Miss Donnie? I have brought sustenance." Someone speaks up, and my thoughts are cut off. I look up at him, her eyes focusing on the guy in front of us with a tray of snacks. "Miss?" Panic sets in. "Help?" It comes out as more of a question than anything, but I was clueless. It wouldn't be long before her body shut down. Then there's nothing but waiting until she wakes up. "What distresses you?" The food now rests on the floor and he attempts to calm me down. Sadly, he didn't do much. "ShefellasleepandIcan'tcontrolherwellsoIdontknowwhattodoorhowtowakeherupandI'mtryingtokeephermovingorelseshe'sgoingtocollapseandlookdeadandIjust- GGGGRRRHHHH!!! WHY NOW?!" I grip her hair and slide down the wall. Now im ranting. Great.

"...I'm deeply sorry, but I sadly do not speak...ah...whatever language that was. Is it possible at all for you to take some breaths and repeat yourself?" I watched her body slowly go limp before me, almost immediately after I finished my inquiry. Her eyes soon became wide and she stared at me from the floor. "Shit..." She started once again. "I know this will sound entirely foreign, but...I'm not Donnie." I couldn't process her statement fully before she went entirely limp before me. With panic, I lifted her onto her bed. "What do you mean? Where else is she then?" Despite her state, she spoke clearly. "She's here...more or less. Though, I'm not strong enough to fully control her body while she rests." With a sigh she continued, seemingly reading the concern and confusion plain on my features. "I told you it was going to sound crazy. But there was an accident some time ago, and I- our souls fused together? I don't know how the hell I can explain it, but sometimes she falls asleep, and I'm not strong enough to keep her body stable for long periods. Basically, this shell is useless unless she wakes up." Okay, I believe I understand at least a morsel of what is being said... Her sigh resounds through my ears. "C'mon, Dee, you gotta do something..." Her face is plastered with anxiety, giving me a dim glimpse of her distress. "What is your name, then?" "Oh, uh, I'm (MFN).." "Well, (MFN), if you wouldn't mind, what happened that distresses you both so much?"

His question hit me in the chest. Where do I even start? The whole event has been playing through our head since it happened. "...promise not to talk to her about it?" "I promise" My eyes close. Only for a moment, but in that moment time seemed to freeze. " started when we were little. About 5, I think?" A sad chuckle escapes my lips. "Though, I guess I never really grew up. But regardless..." With a sigh, I take a moment to recount the crash. "I don't remember all the details, so I'm sorry ahead of time. But...when we were very young, she had a crappy day and I wanted to make her feel better. We were playing in the road, waiting for her mom to come pick her up. We ended up in the road and..." I pause. Tears fill our eyes. The smell of gasoline fills my nose, hot asphalt and the metallic smell of blood. I feel physical pain. I know it's impossible, but just talking of the events feels beyond painful. "We got hit by a car. I pushed her out of the way, but she still cracked her skull on the pavement. I got the worst of it.." Her body begins trembling beneath me. Hot tears spill down our cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry." Silence. I want to open my eyes. I want to curl into a ball. But all I can seem to do is sob and tremble next to the blond God next to me. "You have no need to feel sorry for saving a life." I feel a hand on my- no, our arm. And with that, the light fades from behind our eyelids. Thor sounds distant again.

She's awake again.

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