Chapter 1

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A/N I don't know how regularly I'll upload. Here's the first chapter hope you like it

Toronto.A thriving city of people living for the day. The interwining map of streets hid secrets in the shadows. They hid the dark side of Toronto. In these shadows lurk a tall, mysterious stranger. A man who waits for the right time to pounce. When he does it will be a time the city will  never  forget.

As the morning dawned the work day for some had already begun. Station house No.4 of the Toronto constabulary was a majority of that some. A rumour of a despicable crime had reached the station house and it was up to them to get to the bottom of it.

The station house was in a frenzy. Constables and officers were running around like headless chickens. Papers and books were everywhere and the phones were ringing and officers were answering but they were no help with the rumours. Constables checked newspapers and and the streets for answered but to no avail. The clickety-clack of the steam trains rang throughout the town as the constables and officers headed back to the station a little bit disheartened.

The leader of this station house was Inspector Thomas Brackenried. Temperamental but protective Brackenried had a firm but fair rule over the station however he could be stuck in his ways. There was only a few people who could talk him out of them. One of these such people was Detective William Murdoch. He was the smartest person in the station and noone would deny that. He could also persuade a capture to release a hostage unharmed. He was the best and everyone knew it. Someone who knew this was Doctor Julia Ogden. She performed the autopsies in the morgue. Strong, kind and sweet she put the men to shame. She wasn't the type to back down from a challenge and her intelligence made it incredibly difficult to. However, Murdoch and Ogden were a perfect match for each other. It was just the agonising wait of when Murdoch was going to pop the question.

***** A/N well that's the first chapter please leave me your opinions on it. I really hope you like it.
E x

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