chapter 10

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Sorry it's been so long Ive had college and writer's block and other things to deal with but here we go

The hospital wasn't a place that Murdoch wanted to spend his night. Hell he hated the place. He found it boring. The watching and waiting for the patients to get better. However much he wanted though he knew George was gonna be here for a few days. The guilt inside his heart was killing him. He'd let this happen , he hadn't caught the killer. God he was paying for it now. The silent tears now falling down his cheeks as he prayed for his best friend lying in the hospital bed. I'm unbeknownst to him Doctor Ogden was by the door watching him.

Julia was reading through the notes of George's condition when she stopped to do her hourly check up. As she got to the doorway she stopped seeing Murdoch silently crying. After leaving him alone for a minute she slowly made her presence known and hugged the young man. He stood up, turned and slowly hid his face in the crook of her neck and softly cried.

Murdoch cried for many reasons. For his friend which was paying the price for his slow speed. For his city which he has let a notorious killer loose. For his overwhelming guilt of seeing George in a hospital bed unconscious. Knowing this Julia let a single tear fall for the weight on Murdoch's shoulders and vowed to help even more as much as she could.

"He's strong William he can and will get better. You can and will solve this case William because I know you can do this. Okay never for get that." Julia said softly. He nodded in agreement and sat back down so Julia could do the check up.

"I will get Justice for you George and you will be there to see it" Murdoch thought silently promising to the boy.

***** A/n - I'm back
Sorry it's been a while but a lot has been happening in my personal life

but hey hope everyone is okay
I'm back playing football so I'll hopefully post more but when I can.
I've had a little bit of writers block but any ideas I'm open to suggestions
Love you all so much ♥️
E xx

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