chapter 3

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A/n there is a trigger warning
Mentions blood, death and a bit of gore
Apologies in advance
E x

At the crime scene a crowd of the public had gathered. The police fought to keep the crowd back. Heckles were thrown and the crowd was furious. The victim needed to be taken through the crowd to the police carriage. As the officers carried the body, the constables made a path through the crowd. The more the blood dripped the angrier the crowd became. The louder they shouted. The more questions were asked. However one question stood out above the rest. What monster did this?  (However had they have known that information there and then it would have saved alot more than time...)

Back at the station Julia performed the post mortem and well was gruesome. Blood and guts poured out of the body and all over the once spotless floor. The girl had been stitched up and patched back together in various different places like Frankenstein but real and the body stays dead.

After a long clean up it was time for Julia to write up her findings. This was a time consuming process. Julia didn't enjoy it as much as the actual post mortem but it was part of her job and had to be done.

A short while later Murdoch strode in.  He had been informed of the completion of the post mortem and now he needed the information about the murder.
"What have you got for me then Julia?" He asked with a warm smile on his face.

****A/n apologies if this is a little gory or anything that's as bad as it will be
Sorry it's a little shot as well but next chapter will be longer.
Hope you have a nice day
E x

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