chapter 8

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A/n sorry ive been a bit overwhelmed with A-level work at the minute but here's a chapter.

[Trigger warning for mentions of assault]

Apologies again


As the sun rose the next morning they thought it was gonna be a normal police day. They'd work on the case, carry out the plan and maybe even catch the criminal. However the hospital had informed them and an assault on a young man the previous night. The man was alive for now.
" Murdoch we've been called to the hospital for the assault." Brackenried said with a touch of ergency.
" Who? This can't have anything to do with the murder. Can it?" Said Murdoch questioningly.
"I don't know why we just have ok!" Said Brackenried slightly annoyed and slightly worried. He had no idea who or what to expect. A young criminal or a boy just out of his school years. It worried him.

Within 10 minutes they had reached the old hospital building. It was old but it was still going strong. The hospital was full of doctors and nurses rushing around. The blinding light that was reflecting of the spotless white walls was distracting from the pain and suffering of the patients inside. It made it feel like heaven. However the feeling of guilt and regret filled the air hitting them with reality. An assault happened and by the sounds of it it was bad.

They saw the nurse at the front desk and walked up to her getting her attention of the paperwork she was filling up.
"We're here for the victim of the assault last night!"
" Right this way detectives. Although I must warn you he is in quite a bad state and is a little l upsetting to look at in this moment." Said the nurse. Murdoch and Brackenreid exchanged nervous glances. That's not the best thing to tell anyone let alone someone who's gonna be investigating the attack. One question sprung to mind however who could it be? Although that question was answered as the door to the patients room was opened. As it swung open the detectives eyes widen and loud gasps could be heard from both men.

"George?!" They both bellowed in sync.

Who did this to one of the most kind hearted people they knew?

****A/n they you go people chapter 8 a little longer than what I'm used to writing but hey I was on a roll.

Hope you like it

Please your thoughts on it really count.

Hope you have a great day 😊

Love you all ❤️🥰

E x

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