chapter 2

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"Have you done it yet lad?" Asked Brackenried. He was basically a father to the whole of the station.
"Not yet" Murdoch replied.
"Why in god's name haven't you? She likes you and you like her. So what's the problem?" Brackenried sighed while slowly questioning his own sanity.
"Because there's a lot of different scenarios that I have to plan for." Murdoch was a very big over thinker so he wanted to make sure she was going to yes.
"Like what?"
"Like making everything perfect just for her to say no."
"She won't"
"How can you tell though sir?" Murdoch sighed to himself.
"Simple. I've seen the way she looks at you like nothing else in this old, stupid world matters. Now that is true love if ever I saw it." Brackenried gently smiled.
"You've seen it!" Murdoch joked.
"OW!" Murdoch shrieked.
"Now onto a more serious matter. What is this despicable crime?" Brackenried asked. His ginger mustache twitching as his lip slightly trembled.

"A Murder most vile" he said emotionless. He glanced out the window appearing to be deep in thought as he carried on." They call the perpetrator the Ripper Repeater! He copies Jack by ripping his victims. His reputation states that he'll kill anyone though not just prostitutes."
"Dear god! Come on let's go eh Murdoch!" They both went to leave. "Don't worry Murdoch we'll find him and serve justice." Murdoch looked at him unable to feel any comfort in these words.

How were they going to catch this killer?

***A/n so there's chapter 2 I really hope you enjoy it  Sorry it's a little short. It gets better I promise.
E x

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