chapter 7

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A/n sorry it's late been a little busy with college work

" Oh my god. I think I have an idea!" George excitedly exclaimed to Murdoch who was taken back by the outburst.
"Would you care to enlighten me George." He smirked.
"Oh yeah I forgot about that." He smiled awkwardly."Give them a target!"
" You know sir a target. Someone to lure him out into the open so we can arrest them. Someone to act as bait." He said with a bit more confidence as he finished the explanation.
Murdoch was at a loss for words. It was a good plan but there was one thing.

Who was going to be their bait?

That question seemed to be unanswerable by the 2 policemen. Who would make the perfect target? As the sun was setting they realised they had been sat there for hours pondering over this situation. I was getting late and they needed to call it quits for the day and get a good night's sleep so they could have an answer to that very question.

As both men started collecting their belongings to head home they looked out the window to see the mezmorising sea of pink, blue and purple. It was a true captivating sight to see along with the calm streets with noone on them. It helped them relax and helped them remember why they love their city after the stress of the day that had just passed. The cool air breeze of the evening gently blew against the trees creating an angelic like rustle to be heard. Murdoch stepped outside the station house on his way home. He stopped for a moment just to enjoy the peacefulness of the non rowdy city streets. He truly loved Toronto and all the people in it.

However the calmness can't hide the devilish work that is about to turn the whole case upsidedown. It was about to get personal.

******A/n there's chapter 7 yayyyy.
Hope you enjoyed it don't forget to tell me your thoughts it would help me a great deal and I really appreciate it.
Hope you have a great day
Sorry again for the wait.
Love you all 😘♥️

E x

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