Chapter 9

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Akio shuts the door after Katsuki leaves and takes a nice deep breath. "I JUST MET DYNAMIGHTTTTT! AND HE TOLD ME THAT I SHOULD JUST CALL HIM BAKUGOUUUUUU!" Akio screams into the pillow while Izuku is on the other side of the room staring in disgust.

 Izuku was glad that Akio didn't end up licking Katsuki though, Akio had licked Kirishima when he first came to the dorm.

Izuku remembered Kirishima flinching and giving Akio a weird look, Kirishima didn't even have to explain what was going on because Izuku knew it was going to happen at one point.

"Ughhhh, I didn't want to look like a crazy stalker fan, but at what price? I DIDN'T GET TO ASK HIM WHAT HIS FAVORITE FLAVORED ICE CREAM WASSSSS."

"Yeah if only he came inside, then he would know you were a crazy stalker fan." Izuku sighed, "Last time I checked, which was middle school, his favorite ice cream flavor was mint chocolate chip. Don't take my word for it though, it might have changed."

Akio smirked and took out his notebook, the notebook was like the analysis notebooks that Izuku had when he was younger except Akio's was just about Katsuki Bakugou.

"Anyway, now what do you want for dinner? I'm gonna order something online and make them bring it here," Izuku says, taking out his phone.

"You're paying rightttt?" Akio asks with a pout.

Izuku glares at him and proceeds to say "Yes I'm paying asshole, why else would I offer?"

"I want pizza," Akio says, "With pineapple."

Izuku once again looks at Akio with a disgusted look on his face and says, "Bitch that's gross, I can get pizza but I'm not getting pineapple."

"Ugh fine, whatever floats your boat," Akio huffs rolling his eyes.


Katsuki takes a deep breath as soon as he gets out of the building.

He noticed that the pouring rain had suddenly stopped.

He obviously didn't have anything to do, then why did he tell them that he did?

He wanted to stay longer and spend more time with Izuku but he saw that Izuku didn't really want him there.

The only reason he even invited him into the building is because his roommate was a big fan.

The best part about that day was because he somehow made small talk with Izuku.

Katsuki was proud of himself for that one, he managed to have a conversation with the freckled man without him finding an excuse to leave.

"Is the great Katsuki Bakugou smiling to himself?" He hears a female voice call.

He looked over to where the voice had come from and it belonged to none other than Camie.

Camie was another pro hero who had the hots for Katsuki since his 1st year at UA. 

She was annoying and wouldn't stop bothering him with 'are you free?' Or 'lets get some drinks tonight,' for some reason she would always wink at him whenever she asked those questions.

It was after a long time when he finally got the hint that she liked him, he had to explain to her that he wasn't attracted to women.

They agreed just to be friends even though it was one sided, Katsuki didn't want to be friends but she insisted.

"Hey like, I saw you come out of that building, isn't it your day off," Camie says when she finally catches up to Katsuki.

"Oh yeah I was just with an old friend," Katsuki says while he was still walking.

"Ooooh you had friends before UA?"

Katsuki glares at her, "Of course I had friends before UA, you act like it's the hardest thing for me to make friends."

"Oh sorry…" 

"Anyway I want to go home, please leave me alone."

"But Bakugouuuu, I'm bored and everyone is on duty." 

"Leave me alone."


Akio and Izuku were both on the couch munching on not pineapple pizza when Akio suddenly spoke up.

"Did you see the way Bakugou looked at you?"

"What do you mean 'looked at me?'"

"I don't know, I mean…"

"Go on, we have all night," Izuku says rolling his eyes.

"Well, Dynamight is supposed to be that mean, aggressive hero, it's the same when he's off duty. But the way he stared at you…"

"What are you trying to tell me?" Izuku asks.

"Well I don't know, I think Bakugou had a crush on you. Wait before you say anything, please hear me out… He spent the entire time staring at you, he OFFERED to walk you home, and I don't know, but he seemed kinda jealous when we hugged.''

Izuku bursted out laughing, "Thats halarious, you think Katsuki Bakugou, KACCHAN, has a CRUSH ON ME, thats fucking hilarious."

"Kacchan? You call him that?"

"Not anymore, it was a stupid childhood nickname I gave him, anyway thats not the problem." Izuku says, "lets not forget the whole he-bullied-me-for-years-back-in-elementary-school-and-middle-school thing."

"Well maybe he doesn't have a crush on you, but you have to admit the way that he's acting now towards you is different. Maybe he's trying to make it up to you, or maybe this is his way of trying to apologize."

"Whatever I don't really care, I don't know if I can forgive him though. I'll have to give it time."

"Yeah ok, well you do what you want," Akio picks up the remote control and turns on Hulu.

"What do you want to watch?"

Izuku gets up and sighs, "I'm going to sleep, I have work tomorrow, goodnight." Akio stands up and grabs Izuku and lays a big wet kiss on his cheek.

"Gotta kiss your homies goodnight," Akio says patting Izuku on the back before he went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

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