Chapter 2

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Akio was violently shaking Izuku trying to wake him up, he was still pissed about the whole bringing-the-number-ten-hero-to-there-dormroom-and-not-giving-a-heads-up-so-the-first-time-meeting-red-riot-he-was-shirtless thing.

Izuku slowly got up with a groan, his back aching from falling asleep in such an uncomfortable position.

Soon afterwards he realized that Kirishima was no longer in the room.

"Where did Kirishima go?" Akio quickly read the whiteboard and replied with, "He left, he told me to tell you that he had to leave because he had to go to work."

Izuku rolled his eyes and picked up his phone to check the time. 

He had a message from an unknown number but figured it was just Kirishima.

*** *** ****: Hey it's Kirishima,  I'm sorry I left without telling you but I didn't want to wake you up, I hope you don't mind that I got your number from your roommate.

Me: It's totally fine

*** *** ****: Well I hope you have a good morning:)

Me: Yeah same

Now that Izuku knew who the contact was he changed his name to "Boulder."

"Fuck," Izuku muttered when he realized that it was 8:15, his shift started at 9 but the old man that owns the bookstore is always complaining about how the employees should always arrive 10 minutes early.

It was a 20 minute ride there so he decided to go and just buy something to eat at the cafe.

Izuku threw on a sweater and started frantically searching around the room searching for his hat.

Izuku flinched when he felt someone tap on his shoulder, Akio handed him his beanie and told him that he should get going.

Some of the only things that Izuku liked about Akio is that he could sometimes be helpful but keyword, sometimes. 

Izuku nodded as a thank you and started sliding his socks and shoes on.


"Why the hell do you keep smiling at your stupid phone?" Katsuki asked glaring at Kirishima, "Did ya finally get your ass a girlfriend?"

Kirishima looks up from his phone

"No, I was just texting my new friend that I made yesterday," Kirishima shot back.

"The last time you smiled at something like that was whenever Kaminari use to text you back in high school," Katsuki said obviously not believing it was just a "friend." 

"What are you implying?" Kirishima stares suspiciously at him.

"Everyone knew that you wanted to bang him back then but he started to date Shinsou. It's been a while since I've seen you make those eyes at your phone so I assumed that you found someone else."

"Well I guess he's really cute..." Kirishima says quietly. "You know that one bookstore that I get my coffee at?"

"Yeah, does he work there?" He asks.

"Yeah, you should come to meet him," Kirishima suggests, "He won't be that bothered of your 'loudness'"

"Hey what do you mean by 'loudness?'" Katsuki yells, "I'm not that loud."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that,"

"Now that I think about it, was that where you were last night?" Katsuki says smirking.

"Hey, I don't know what your thinking but I know whatever it is, it isn't true,"

"Yeah whatever," Still smirking Katsuki got up and went to pour himself a cup of water.

"Get your suits on, it's you two's turn to go on patrol," called Iida from the other room. 

Katsuki and Kirishima groaned, they both knew that all that ment was that they are going to go walk around saving cats from trees and shit like that.

Almost as soon as they stepped outside they heard multiple voices gasping.

"Oh my gosh, is that Red Riot?" A girl with long black hair whispered to the girl next to her, "He's so hawt." 

"What are you talking about Dynamight is hotter," they both just stared at the two pro heroes as they passed by.

Multiple people waved at them as they passed them saying stuff like, "Thanks for keeping us safe" or  "Can I get an autograph?"

Katsuki usually ignored them while Kirishima would gladly give them autographs and high fives.

After about 20 minutes of walking they came across the bookstore.

Of course Kirishima immediately started blushing and saying things like "Oh how did we get here?"

Well of course they went inside for a "break." 


Izuku was currently busy in the manga section "putting away new books" and definitely not checking out the new series that just came out.

It had just came out a little over a month ago it was about the adventures of some boy and his friend. 

Maybe I'll buy it later, it seems promising, Izuku thought putting the book back from where he got it from. 

Izuku almost screamed when he felt someone grab his shoulder, wait no, he probably did scream.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Midoriya," Ichika, the barista who works in the café said.

"I didn't mean to scare you," she looked like she really ment it.

"What do you want?" Izuku wrote down.

"Oh well I just wanted to tell you that your little boyfriend is here," She said smirking as she elbowed his shoulder lightly.

Wait did Akio come? Wait no, it must be Kirishima, Izuku thought turning red at the fact that she called him his boyfriend.

"Midoriya are you ok? Are you sick? Your face looks a little red," She asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Izuku rubbed his eyes for a couple seconds, took a deep breath and walked over to the cafe. 

He felt another tap on his shoulder and looked at Ichika, "Did you know that he's friends with Dynamight?"

Izuku's eyes widened, "Is he here?" he whispered quickly.

Ichika's eyes where wide open as she nodded, she was really surprised because that was probably the first time that she had ever hear him talk.

With that Izuku quickly ran away.

Shit he's here with Kirishima? After all these years Izuku would always try to avoid him on streets or at stores.

He could always know whenever he was around because someone would always be screaming his name.

Izuku was rethinking the whole situation, he knew that Kirishima was also out there and he didn't want him thinking Izuku had been avoiding him.

In conclusion Izuku decided to go out there.

He took a deep breath and made his way to the café, his heart thumping in his chest.

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