Chapter 5

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Katsuki didn't want to be there.

In fact he rather be at home binge watching some show on Netflix.

But noooooo he was currently sitting next to Kirishima's drunk ass at some random bar.

The bar had some loud band playing and he couldn't hear a thing Kaminari was talking about.

"I'm going to be right back," Katsuki says patting Kirishima on the back as he got up.

He knew full well that the two of them didn't hear a thing he said but still proceeded to get up.Pushing through the crowd of people dancing he made his way to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom it smelt like alcohol and and vomit.

He did his business and started washing his hands.

The door opens, he looked at the door where Shindou Yo was walking in.

He put a scowl on his face and went back to washing his hands.

Shindou Yo was competition, he didn't like him one bit.

They had met back at the hero provisional license test back in his first year of high school and from the moment they met he hated him.

He always had a fake ass smile Katsuki wanted to punch off of his face.

Shindou was a year older than him but when Katsuki became a pro hero the next year he quickly caught up to him.

For some reason no matter how hard Katsuki tried he would always be one place behind Shindou.

Currently Katsuki is the #5 hero while Shindou is the #4 hero.

"Oh hi there Dynamight," Shindou says when he sees Katsuki.

"We aren't at work just call me Bakugou," Katsuki says pushing past him.

"You know I wasn't really expecting to see you here today," Shindou says with his back faced towards him.

"Yeah and what's that's suppose to mean?" Katsuki sneers.

"Well I'm just saying that you don't seem the type that would be at a bar, you are usually work work work," Shindou says now facing him.

"Whatever," Katsuki says leaving the bathroom.

He pushed past a couple who were making out and made his way back to Kirishima and Kaminari only to see that the two of them had left.

He looked towards the exit to see the both of them walking out of it.

Katsuki didn't want to interrupt whatever they were planning on doing so he decided to get a couple more drinks and take an uber home since Kirishima was his ride.


Shindou was still in the bathroom and Izuku was sitting alone waiting for him to come back.

Izuku was bored and wanted to leave.

The place smelled of sweaty people and alcohol even though Izuku couldn't hear the music he knew that it was bad.

Some guy came over to Izuku and took a seat in Shindou's seat and ordered something.

I guess Shindou's just gonna have to tell him to move when he comes back cuz I don't feel like doing it myself, thought Izuku.

It has been 5 minutes since Shindou left for the bathroom and he hasn't come back since.

Izuku realized something must have happened.

He either has gotten sick or something or he decided to ditch me because I told him that I was quirkless, well wouldn't be the first time, thought Izuku.

A couple minutes had gone past when he saw out of the corner of his eye the person next to move to look at him.

The guy tapped his shoulder.

Izuku turned and was now face to face with Bakugou Katsuki.

Oh what a coincidence Bakugou fucking Katsuki's here too, can this night get any worse? Izuku plastered a fake smile on his face and waved at him.

Katsuki wasn't expecting to see Deku there.

In fact Katsuki would have never expected Deku to be anywhere near these types of places.

Well Katsuki hasn't seen him in a long time to he doesn't know anything about him anymore.

"So what are you doing here all alone?" Katsuki asks him.

"Well I was here with someone but I'm pretty sure he ditched me," Izuku wrote down.

"Oh well if it makes you better Kirishima and Kaminari ditched me as well," Katsuki confesses.

"Well I'm going to be leaving soon anyway," Izuku writes down knowing it's just because he want to get away from him.

"Well me too, maybe I could walk you home," Katsuki offers.

"Naw I'm good," He writes down and shows Katsuki.

Katsuki frowns and asks, why?

Izuku ignores him and writes down 'can you close my tab?' and shows it to the bartender.

The bartender nods and Izuku turns his head back towards Katsuki and starts writing again.

"I would rather be alone," Katsuki scowls at the whiteboard.

"Please just tonight, it's dark out and who knows what's out there. You could get hurt," Katsuki explains.

"I don't need your protection Mr. Dynamight and I have a taser if anything happens," Izuku scribbles.

"Since when do you care about me getting hurt or not? I know you're trying to be heroic and all that but I don't need your help."

Katsuki didn't know what to say, he looked around trying not to make eye contact with Izuku.

Izuku glared at him and wrote down a final 'goodbye' on the whiteboard.

With that Izuku was gone and Katsuki was sitting there at the bar rethinking everything that had just happened between the two.

"Hey cutie," A girl with blonde hair purrs as she slides into Izuku's seat.

Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Sorry not interested," Huffed Katsuki, he got up and left the bar

The door swinging close behind him Katsuki takes a deep breath.

It was really chilly outside and he could see his breath in front of him, he was waiting for his Uber to arrive.

No matter how much he tried he couldn't stop thinking about Izuku.

He knows that he couldn't change the past but he wants to somehow make it up to him.

And maybe make him his husband at the same time.

But according to how Izuku acted tonight Katsuki knew this would be a challenge.

He saw the uber pull up and he got inside.


Izuku was furious.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Asking him if he could walk him home?

Is this how Katsuki felt all those years ago when he tried to offer his hand when he fell off of that log?

Is this how he felt every time Izuku tried to help him?

Now he gets it.

He hated the feeling of how he thinks that he would get hurt.

Izuku walked outside at night plenty of times and not once has anyone tried to attack him.

And plus he has won enough fist fights to know that he could send someone to the hospital.

With those thoughts going through his head he finally drifted off to sleep hoping he wouldn't have to see that stupid blonde hair and beautiful red eyes again.

Wait beautiful eyes?

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