Chapter 15

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"Izuku can you make something for us to eat? Im starving!" Akio moans while he scrolls on his phone.

"Go order something, I don't feel like cooking for us tonight, I'm too tired," Izuku says as he folded his clothes, "And plus can't you see I'm trying to fold my clothes here? Unlike someone I actually wash my clothes."

"But Zuzu I don't want to talk to the person over the phone and plus you always do it why can't you do it today," Akio says.

"Akio you're a grown ass man. You can order your digusting pineapple pizza just fine by yourself," He says as he grabs a Dynamight shirt out of the hamper, "Akio how the hell did your stupid shirt get in here? I didnt even notice it earlier."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Akio says slightly giggling and grabbing it from Izuku.

He went back to scrolling on his phone when his eyes suddenly widened.

"Yo, did you read this article?" Akio says staring at Izuku with his jaw on the floor.

Izuku shook his head and Akio scooted over to him  and held out his phone.

He just huffed and took the phone out of his hand.

On the screen was an article titled: Red Riot Has a Partner? 

Izuku scrolled through the article where is talked about some mysterious person that they think is fucking around with Kirishima.

At the very end Izuku frowned when it showed a picture of Kirishima and him walking back to his dorm.

Those damn kids earlier.

"Kirishima and I were walking back here and I guess some brat took a picture of us. Big deal, I dont give a shit. As long as they don't harass me about it I'll be fine," Izuku says handing the phone back to Akio. 

"If only I could be like you Izuku," Akio said sighing, "I'm not listening," Izuku says, turning down his hearing aid.

He felt a buzz in his pocket and he took his phone out. 

Boulder: Did you see the article they wrote?

Me: Yeah 

Boulder: so?

Me: they can suck my dick, I seriously couldn't care less

Boulder: ok well what about Kaminari?

Me: just tell him the truth, tell him that we were just walking to my dorm

Boulder: See ya at four then

Me: Alright


Katsuki could feel a vein pop on his forehead. 

He was going to sue the hell out of whoever made that damn article.

He knew it wasn't true.

Of course not, Kirishima likes Kaminari, right?

Katsuki frowned, scrolling through the article reading every word of the page and all it explained was that they had just been seen walking around.

He took a breath or relief, he knew Kirishima would never betray him like that. 

Katsuki scrolled down to the bottom of the page to find the comments. 

His eyebrows furrowed as he read the comments.

Dynamight4eva: The guy with the green hair looks so cute! Like a little smol green bean.

Katsuki laughed, if only they actually knew him.

If Izuku saw those comments he would have probably curb stomped them without hesitation.

Kiri199: I found the guys instagram online! Apparently his name is Izuku.

Endeavorswhore: Their ship name should be Kirizuku

Kiri199: Ew no. It should be Izushima. 

Dynamight4eva: Literally Kirizuku is such a better name. 

Katsuki took that time to put down his phone and shut his eyes for a bit. 

What is wrong with those two? Izushima is so much better!

Wait what the fuck?

Katsuki looked up when he heard the door open, he frowned when all he saw was Shindou's ugly ass face.

For some reason the guy looked terrible and completely ignored him when he tried to say something to him.   

His phone goes off and Katsuki takes it out, its a text from Kirishima.


Izuku woke up from his nap to the loud sound of someone knocking on the door, he sat up and looked over at Akios stupid Dynamight digital clock to check the time. 

It was 3:56 so he assumed that it was Kirishima outside. 

Stumbling out of bed he made his way to the door, "Hey, Zuzu? Who's at the door?" Called Akio from the kitchen.

"It's just Kirishima," he says as he arrives at the door.

Opening the door with a yawn he was now face to face with Katsuki?

"What are you doing here?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm supposed to be picking you up," he states, slightly leaning on the door frame, "Kirishima got held up with something and he asked for me to bring you."

Izuku looked the man up and down and sighed, "Ok well you're going to have to wait because I just woke up from a nap. I didn't have time to get ready, sorry."

Katsuki watches as the other man picks out some clothes, takes off his hearing aids and walks over to the bathroom that weirdly doesn't have a door.

He turned around so he could give him some privacy and didn't want to seem like a creep.

"Hey Izuku! Did you happen to find my Dynamight socks in your laundry pile? I think I put it in there, I'm not sure though," Akio says poking his head in the room.

Akios face suddenly turns a shade of red, "Wait, you're not Izuku."

He put his hands over her face and felt like he was going to scream, "Hey Bakugou. Why are you here? Izuku said it was Kirishima at the door." 

"Kirishima said that he had something to do and asked if I could pick Deku up," he says.

Akio smirks, "He was probably planning something wasn't he?" 

"I don't know,"  Katsuki says with a small blush on his face, "Whatever then, if your going to make a move you better make it tonight or else that one guy Shindou going to do it first. Actually wait, he already has but Izuku just doesn't give a shit about him."

Katsuki froze.

Wait Shindou? Like the hero Shindou? 

"Oh ok." Was all Katsuki said.

"Well anyways ya want some pizza?" Akio asks.

"What kind?" He asks, trying to peer over him into the kitchen.

"Pineapple," Katsuki scrunched up his nose in disgust, "Pineapple doesnt go on fucking pizza."

Akio frowned and took a bite out of the slice in his hand, "You and Izuku, ugh."

"Are you ready?" Izuku asks after exiting the bathroom with a hoodie and jeans on and grabbing his hearing aid.

"Yeah," He says, following behind Izuku.

Dont look dont look.

Katsuki kept his eyes on the back of Izuku's head trying not to look down at his ass.

"Byeee Zuzu! Have a good time," calls Akio before the two of them exited the room.

Akio would have sworn he saw Izuku with a faint blush.

He could be just imagining it though.

sorry i was going to update earlier but i was busy working on my other stories.

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