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↑Somewhat how I imagine the bracelet↑

↑Somewhat how I imagine the bracelet↑

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Rowan's POV

I woke up pretty early today. It was 8 o' clock right now. I got out of bed, and went to go brush my teeth, and did my normal morning routine. I put on a white teeshirt with black jeans. I went downstairs, and took a glance at the clock. It was almost the time when Simon and i go to the secret garden. Luckily mother was awake, so i asked if i can go out.

"Mother may i go out again?" I asked.

"Of course, and don't forget no talking to the..."

I interrupted her "alright i know, no talking to the Browns."

"Very well then, you may go outside," she answered. I walked out into the warm sunshine. I looked over at the Brown's front porch to see Simon sitting there like yesterday. I ran over to him.

"Hey," i said.

"Hey," he answered, "so are you ready to go?"

"Yep," i answered. We quickly ran towards the hedge maze again. I remembered the way perfectly.

Mrs. Winegar's POV

As Rowan left to go out, i quickly put on my shoes, and poke my head out of our front door. I looked around until i spotted Rowan talking to that kid Simon. I knew she's been hanging around with him! Then she grabbed Simon's hand, and they quickly ran towards the hedge maze. I ran behind them, but far enough so that they don't see me. As they begun to slow down, i looked at what was in front of them. It was the door to the garden. They pushed the doors open, and walked in. I quickly ran to the gate doors, and peeked in. Rowan and Simon were looking at the flowers in the middle of the garden. Their backs were facing me, so i walked up behind them. They didn't take notice to me until i fake coughed. Rowan immediately turned around with a scared expression.

"Rowan. Why are you with Simon?" I asked as if i didn't know the answer.

"Mother, i'm sorry i disobeyed you, it's just i'm lonely at home, and..."

I interrupted her "forget it, you are coming home with me right now missy."

"Mother please, just let me stay please," she pleaded. As i was trying to drag her out the garden something shiny caught my glimpse, it looked familiar. I let go of Rowan's hand, and walked slowly over to it. As i reached the shiny thing i realized that all these years i've been wrong. I picked up the bracelet that my mum gave me, and just stared at the bracelet. A tear dropped on my arm, and i realized that i was crying. I looked behind me, and saw Rowan and Simon looking at me with a quizzical look. I ran over, and out of no where i hugged Simon.

"I'm sorry," i whispered into his ears, and then i ran out of the garden.

Rowan's POV

As mother was trying to drag me out the garden she paused. She let go of my hand, and slowly walked over to something. She knelt down slowly, and picked something up. She just stood there staring at the object, and she looked back at us with tears in her eyes. Out of no where she ran up to Simon, and hugged him.

She whispered "I'm sorry." It was faint, but i could hear her. Then she ran out the garden. Simon and I stood there dazed.

"What was that about?" Simon asked.

"I have no idea." What did she mean? after that we walked out of the maze in silence. We made to our house.

"Well goodnight," i said.

"Goodnight," he muttered.

I walked up to my door, and i guess mother forgot to close the door. I went into my house, and it was dead silent.

"Hello? Mother?" I yelled. There was no response. I looked around downstairs, but she wasn't there either. I checked my parent's room, and there sat my mother at the window.


She turned her head to me. She motioned for me to come over to her. I sat down right next to her.

"Rowan, i'm sorry that i tried to stop you from seeing the Browns," she said.

"It's ok mother. I understand that your still mad about your window."

"No no no... that's not the real reason why i dislike them," she started. After she finished explaining the story of the bracelet, she pulled it out from her pocket. "Rowan i want you to have this bracelet."

"Are you sure mother, i'm not exactly your real daughter..."

"Rowan don't say that you may not be my real daughter, but you are still family, and i really want you to keep this," she said.

I looked at the bracelet "are you sure?"

"Positive," she answered.

"Alright," i said, and then i took the bracelet out of her hands.

"Here i'll put it on for you," she said.

Later that night

I was about to go to sleep when mother came in my room.

"Rowan, uh i was wondering if you'd come with me tomorrow to the Brown's house. I need to apologize to them," she said.

I smiled "of course," i answered. She smiled, gave me a goodnight kiss and left my room.

Maybe things will finally be fine again. Maybe there won't be trouble between the Browns and us. Maybe...

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