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Rowan's POV

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Rowan's POV

Today mother is going to apologize to the Browns. I got dressed since it's pretty late. I hear mother downstairs preparing to go over to the Browns. I hurriedly got dress, and ran downstairs. Mother was in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie. Sleep well?" She asked.

"Slept perfectly," i answered. She handed me a plate of pancakes. "Thanks." I ate my pancakes fast, because i was so excited to see the Browns again. The only person i've been talking to is Simon. I haven't spoken to his siblings in a while. Once i washed up my plates, i put my boots on, and waited by the door. After a while mother came downstairs all dressed up.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"Yup," i answered popping the p. We walked out our front door together, and over to the Browns. We waited about a couple minutes, and Mr. Brown finally opened the door. He looked surprised to see us. I wouldn't blame him. After all mother did ban me from seeing them.

"Martha, erm what are you guys doing here?"

"I just wanted to cone here to apologize for being so harsh to your children," she said with sincerity.

"Well alright, come in," he move to the side and opened the door bigger for us. We walked in slowly. "Here sit on the couch. Would you like some tea?" Mr. Brown asked.

"That would be lovely," mother answered politely.

Suddenly there were footsteps running down the steps, and a voice that sounded familiar "Father who's at the doo-." i looked up to see Tora. She had a shocked look on her face once she saw mother. She quickly ran up the stairs again.

"Kids come down, Mrs. Winegar had something to say to you guys," Mr. Brown yelled. I hear whispering upstairs, and then the sound of faint footsteps. I looked up to see Chrissy had poked her head out from the corner. Once she saw me she ran over to me and gave me a hug. After all that, i heard more footsteps coming down the steps. Chrissy sat next to me, while Tora sat on the other side of me, with Aggie in her lap. Seb and Eric sat next to each other, and Simon sat across from me.

Mother started speaking, "well, uh i would like to say that i'm sorry. I'm sorry for being rude to all you guys for years," she started, she continued saying other things like why she was sorry, and all that.

The kids all glanced at each other before they all began speaking, "we are sorry for exploding food all over you Mrs. Winegar."

Mother smiled. Then, she opened her arms for a hug. The kids all glanced at each other, before going over and getting into a group hug. I grinned at the sight. No more conflicts between the family. We stayed for dinner that night. We were laughing and enjoying time together, it was like all the worries have washed away. While everyone was talking in the family room, I quietly tiptoed upstairs. I walked into Evangeline's room to see her trying to read a book. Her back was facing me.


She jumped and turned to face me, " oh hello sweetie." I walked over, and sat on the stool near her bed.

"Mind if i join you?" i asked.

"Of course not," she answered happily. She began reading again. It looks like she was struggling.

"Do you need help," i offered.

"No, it's ok," she answered then she closed her book. "So why did you come up here?"

"I don't know, i was just... lonely," i answered.

"Well, what about Simon?"

"He's talking to Eric," i answered. There was an awkward silence. "So how are you and Mr. Brown? If i may ask."

Her smile dropped "oh uh wonderful."

"He's busy isn't he?" I asked.

She looked at the ground, and simply answered, "yea."

"It's okay, i'm sure he loves you too, he has just probably been stressed," i said.

There was another awkward silence until Evangeline spoke, "so how are you and Simon?"

I blushed, "good, we secretly hung out when my mom forbid me from seeing you guys."

"Aw you guys are adorable."

"Thanks," i blushed even redder. We continued talking about random things, until Evangeline was called downstairs.

"Well, i better get going, see you later," she said.

"Bye Evangeline, thanks for the talk." I walked downstairs to see that everyone else was still talking, but i noticed that Simon wasn't there.

"Have you guys seen Simon?" I asked the group.

They all answered with "no."

Eric said that he went outside. I knew exactly where he was. I walked slowly into the hedge maze, because it was sorta dark out, and i didn't want to trip. Once i made it to the entrance of the garden, i pushed the door opened. I looked around the garden until i see Simon in the middle of the flowers. His back was facing me. I sat down next to him, and he slowly turned his head over to look at me. I was playing with the flowers until i realized he was staring at me.

I looked over at him, "why are you staring at me?"

He blushed, "because you're beautiful." (TFIOS 😍)

Now i blushed, "thanks," i simply answered. I continued playing with the flowers, until something touched my cheek. I narrowed my eyes to the side to see that Simon had leaned in and was kissing my cheek. Once he pulled away, he was tomato red. We were silent. By now it was completely dark outside. I laid my head on his shoulder, and we looked up at the stars.

"Do you see that star?" He asked pointing to a random star.

"Which one?" I asked looking up.

"The one shining the brightest," he answered.

I looked around until i spotted the star he was talking about, "yea i see it, it's pretty."

"That's your star," he said facing me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's bright, and beautiful and stands out, like you," he answered.

I blushed. We were silent again. This is perfect, i wish it would stay like this forever.

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