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↑Rowan's dress↑

↑Rowan's dress↑

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7 years later

Rowan's POV

It's been 7 years, since Mr. Brown and Evangeline's wedding. Our families were closer now, we would have picnics and play games too. About 5 years ago, the Brown family and my family decided that we should move to the city. I was excited, but i was saddened by the fact that i had to leave behind the garden, where so many memories have happened. I had my first kiss there....

Simon asked me out about 3 years ago, and we are still dating. We are both 19 years old now.

Today, is my parents anniversary, and they decided to throw a party.

I was in my room getting ready. I threw on a white flowy lace dress, and curled my hair. I checked the clock. There was about 15 more minutes till the party began, and i could already hear people talking downstairs. I ran down the stairs, and noticed that the Browns were already here, but Simon wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Hey," i greeted everyone.

Tora, Lily, and Chrissy looked over at me, and their jaws dropped. "Oh my gosh! You look so pretty!" Tora exclaimed.

I blushed, "thanks. So, have you guys seen Simon?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and smiled, "nope," they answered in unison. They seemed like they were hiding something, but i just ignored it, and began looking around.

Finally, everyone was here, and the party has started. I continued to search through the crowd, looking for Simon, but he was nowhere to be found.

I looked around my house, there were many decorations. We had a fairly large backyard, so they decided that they wanted to set up a stage in our back yard, barely anyone were inside, so i stepped outside, the warm breeze immediately hit my face. I asked a couple of people if they had seen Simon, but everyone answered 'no.'

After, a while i just gave up on trying to find Simon. I found Lily, and started conversing with her, but then she left, because Mr. Brown called for her.

After a while a slow song came on, and everyone was dancing together.

I only sat there,watching couples dance happily together. I was kind of disappointed, Simon promised that he would come. Where is he? Finally, the had music stopped and everyone sat down as mum and dad went onto the stage.

"Hello!" Mum greeted.

"I just want to thank everyone that came today to this party, and it means so much that so many of you came too."

Everyone cheered and applauded, then settled back down, and got quiet as father was just about to speak.

Father began speaking, "this anniversary, is very special, not only because it's our anniversary, but it's also Evangeline and Cedric's 7th anniversary!" Then Mr. Brown and Evangeline came up to the stage as everyone began to applaud again.

"Indeed, today is a special day, yes it's our anniversary, but we have someone here special... and he has an important announcement." Mr. Brown said.

Mum, dad, Evangeline, and Mr. Brown got off the stage. I was just about to go inside to my room, because of my boredom, but a familiar accent made me stop in my tracks.

"Hello, everyone!" I turned around, and Simon was standing in the center of the stage. I stood there, as he continued to speak.

"I have an important announcement," he announced, "so... about 8 years ago, i met someone, and i never really believed in 'Love At First Sight' but once i met this person, i.... changed my mind. She, made me believe that all that love stuff was real. A while back she asked me if i believed in 'Love At First Sight,' but i never answered. (go to chapter 17 if you don't remember) And now i want to answer that question. Yes, i do believe in it. Because i have fallen madly in love with a girl, and i believed that right when we first made eye contact, it was... love," he silently laughed.

"We've been through a lot, and i... want to spend the rest of my life with her, so..... Rowan Lynn Grace Winegar, will you be mine forever?" He asked as he spotted me in the crowd. My eyes were wide, and happy tears were dying to spill.

Tora came over to me, and led me onto the stage, once i got on the stage, Simon got on one knee, and pulled out something from inside his pocket. He opened the box up, to reveal a ring, and looked in my eyes pleadingly.

After, a while i finally snapped out of my state of shock, "yes," i finally answered.

Simon stood up, a huge grin plastered on his face. He walked the remaining distance between us and smashed his lips onto mine. I smiled into the warm, passionate kiss. The crowd awwed, as Simon and I pulled away from each other.

There was confetti raining on us, and i began laughing. Another slow song began to play, as couples began to grab each others hands, and twirl around the dance floor.

I smiled happily, at all of the people. Simon tapped me on the shoulder, and i turned around to face him.

"May, i have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand, while grinning at me.

"Yes," i nodded, as i took his hand. He placed his hands on my waist as i placed mine around his neck. I leaned into his chest, enjoying this moment, as we swayed to the song. We were dancing on the stage in front of everyone. I closed my eyes, as i continued to sway to the music, with Simon.

"I love you Rowan Lynn Grace Winegar," Simon whispered.

"I love you too Simon Brown." (don't know his middle name)

From the moment we first met, i knew that i wanted to spend forever with him. Indeed, it was 'Love At First Sight.'

The end

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I FINISHED THE STORY! For the past year, I want to thank everyone for the support they've shown me

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For the past year, I want to thank everyone for the support they've shown me. I'm saddened that I must depart from this story. Y'all are part of my family, and I'm forever grateful for all of the kind words and new friends i've made. But I must depart from this story because all stories must come to an end! This isn't goodbye because i'll still be on Wattpad. If you ever need someone to talk to, just know that i'll be here for you. I love you guys so much and thank you for everything. ♡♥︎♡♥︎

Love at First Sight ≫ Simon Brown/Nanny McPheeWhere stories live. Discover now