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↑Mrs. Quickly😷↑

Rowan's POV

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Rowan's POV

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping near my window. It was sunny out, judging from the sunlight lighting through my curtains. I got up, and got ready for the day.

Normally today i would have classes, but Mrs. Todd was in America now. I really miss her, and i miss Evangeline too.

I got changed into shorts, a blue teeshirt, with some sneakers.

"Good morning mum and dad," i smiled as i walked down the steps.

"Good morning sweetie, here's your breakfast," Father said, while holding a plate of toast.

"Thank you!" I quickly ate my toast, then i walked out. Once, i was outside I immediately see a giant carriage, in front of the Collin's house. I wanted to say goodbye to them one last time, so i walked over there. As i was about to walk on their front porch, the door opened, and standing there was Taylor. Once, she saw me she scoffed.

"I just came here, to say goodbye, for the last time," i said trying to be nice.

"I'm sorry, but i don't talk to girls that dress like boys," she replied.

I looked down at what i was wearing. It didn't at all look like i was dressed like a boy. Then, i looked at what Taylor was wearing, she wore her fancy dress with  some high heels.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't come here to get judged," i told her.

She rolled her eyes, "well clearly, you need someone to help you get dressed."

At that moment i just exploded. All the pent up anger from the past couple of weeks just came out. "Listen Taylor, i've been trying to be nice to you, but all you've been is mean to me. Clearly, there's no way to please you, so i'm gonna stop trying. Eventually, your parents are going to get tired of you always throwing a tantrum, and they'll learn to finally say No."

She looked at me shocked, "no one talks to me like that!"

"Well i just did," i sassed. She raised her hand up and was about to slap me when Blake ran out.

"Taylor!" He yelled.

Taylor turned to him, face red with anger. "Violence, is not the solution," Blake spoke.

"Blake, you're my brother, you're suppose to be defending me not her!"

"I'm sorry Taylor, but what she said was....true," Blake sighed out.

Taylor glared at him, and walked back inside. Once, Taylor was gone, Blake turned to me, "i'm so sorry about her."

I shook my head, "it's ok, it's not your fault," i said.

There was a silence.

"I'll miss you Rowan," he spoke finally.

"I'll miss you too." Then we hugged, and he went in to pack his remaining belongings.

Love at First Sight ≫ Simon Brown/Nanny McPheeWhere stories live. Discover now