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↑Rowan and her outfit↑

↑Rowan and her outfit↑

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Rowan's POV

I woke up and immediately i remembered the events from last night. I had a giant smile plastered on my face. The garden was fixed, and i had my first kiss with Simon. I was worried though. I didn't want to make things awkward between Simon and i. I laid in bed for a while, still daydreaming until i remembered that i had class with Mrs. Todd today. I sprung out of bed, and grabbed a white lace skirt, and grabbed a multi colored sweater. I brushed my hair, and ran downstairs. Mrs. Todd was already here, and she was conversing with mum. I listened in.

"She's really improving!" Mrs. Todd exclaimed. "A couple more classes, and she will know everything she needs to know."

"Wait, so a couple more classes, and she won't need class anymore?" mother asked.

"I'm afraid, my husband and i are moving to America," Mrs. Todd sighed.(Btw the setting of this story is in London) "You can always hire another teacher," Mrs. Todd suggested.

"But we live in the middle of nowhere," mother sighed.

"Well i can teach a couple more classes, but then i have to go," Mrs. Todd said.

I walked downstairs. "You're leaving to America Mrs. Todd?" i asked even though i knew the answer.

"Yes..." she sighed. Mrs. Todd was like an older sister to me. (Btw Mrs. Todd is 20)

I ran over to her, and gave her a giant hug. "I'll miss you," i whispered. We hugged for a couple seconds more, until Mrs. Todd said to start class.

Time Skip

"Bye Mrs. Todd," i shouted as she walked to her carriage. She turned around and waved to me. Soon she was gone. Wow about 3 more classes and then Mrs. Todd would be off to America. I grabbed a bag, and filled it with baby carrots, 2 granola bars, and a water bottle; knowing that i would be outside for a while. I walked outside, and just walked to the big tree that i would read at sometimes. I climbed the branch, and sat there admiring the beautiful forest that sat in front of me. Birds were chirping melodic tunes. A couple bunnies hopped up to me staring at me with curiosity. I pulled out some carrots, and placed them in my hands. I jumped off the branch, and landed carefully on the ground. I slowly approached the timid animals. I knelt down, and put my hands down. The bunnies hopped to my hand slowly, and began nibbling at the carrots. I giggled as their soft fur tickled my hand. Out in the distance i see a tiny bunny, looking at me. It seemed frightened. As the others finished the carrots they hopped away happily. I walked slowly to the frightened bunny. I grabbed some more carrots from my bag and put them in my hands. I knelt down in front of the bunny. It was hesitant at first, but finally began nibbling on the baby carrots in my hand. As the little bunny finished it looked up at me, and nuzzled his face in my hand. I giggled again because it tickled. It hopped away slowly, but it turned to look at me. Then it finally hops off to somewhere.

"Wow, you act exactly like a princess," i heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Lily standing there. "You are a princess Rowan!" She exclaimed.

I smiled at her, "i'm not a princess."

"Yes you are, it was like watching Snow White again, you know you remind me a lot of her," she said.

I laughed, "i'm no Snow White," i repeated. I walked over to her. "Hey why are you out here alone?" I asked.

"I don't know, i saw you walking out, so i just walked here with you," she answered.

"Well we should go back now, we certainly don't want your family worried about you," i said.

She just nodded. We walked together back to the house. "Lily i'll be right back, i need to get something," i said.

She nodded, and then walked in her house. The truth was i was just going to go to the gardens again. I go there way too often, but the garden helps me relax. I walked into the hedge maze, and as i was about to open the door, i see figures in there. I poked my head in the creak of the door. There stood Taylor and Blake.

"Dang it, Blake i thought i told you to ruin the garden," Taylor hissed.

"I did, i don't know how it got fixed so fast," Blake stuttered.

"Well obviously, you didn't do a lot of damage to the garden," Taylor ranted. "Ugh, why can't you follow any of my directions?!"

"I-i don--" Blake was cut off by Taylor.

"I know why...i know why you didn't damage the garden much, it's cause you like Rowan don't you?" Taylor asked her eyes showing lunacy. She looked like a madman. "UGH WHAT DO PEOPLE SEE IN HER!!!" She screamed loudly.


"How dare you yell at me!" Taylor screamed back.

"Ever since mum and dad adopted you, you've been getting all the attention. It's always about you isn't it," Blake screamed. "It's always 'i need this' and 'i need that."

"That is not true," Taylor snarled.

"Oh yea? On your 13th birthday you a freakin pony, and on my 13th birthday, you wanna know what i got?" Blake asked on the verge of tears.

Taylor didn't answer.

"I didn't get anything at all!" Blake squeaked almost crying. "It's like they care more about you, than me, and i'm their son, they didn't adopt me," Blake cried. I walked out of the garden not wanting to hear their conversation any longer. I felt bad for Blake. Maybe he isn't bad, he's just depressed. Maybe him and I just got off on a bad start. I mean, i did judge him without knowing his story, and that made me feel guilty. I walked back out the hedge maze. Maybe we should be kinder to Blake. It's not his fault, he has to live with an evil sister, and snobby parents.

 It's not his fault, he has to live with an evil sister, and snobby parents

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Love y'all!

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