Don't tell me THEY're dead... All of them....

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Heyyy y’all its Jessie ! It’s my bdayy today so I’m 12 todayyy ! I’ve been having probs, JoJo didn’t have to tell y’all its kay, now I’m gucci. I ain’t gon’ disturb y’all so on with the story.

Jessie’s POV

Y’all didn’t hear bout me since chapter 21 so yeahh !! I was in my room you know doing the usual chilling, killing… Haha then I got a phone call from Lexi.

*Phone Convo*

“J-jessie, come tp the hospital please” she said with a weak voice.

“Why tho ?? I was chilling peacefully”

“Jessica Laure if you don’t get your ass over here in about 15-20 mins I swear on my grandfather’s grave that I will slap the love you have for Edward outta of you and don’t even try to deny that you don’t like him cuz you love him so you better getcho ass here !! Get it ??” she said with a stern ass voice. Wow she only called me Jessica with my middle name when she’s mad and I know fo’ sho that i dont want to make her madder than she already is.

So I got up real fast and put on some sweats(I was in purple booty shorts BTW), my purple J’s and I stay in my purple tank. I grab my iPhone 5 and my car keys and head to the hospital, I don’t know whats up but she seemed real mad bout this shizz. What if its about Eddie ?? Man we don’t have time to worry right now I just HAVE to get to the hospital.

Eddie’s POV

So Lexa called me to tell me to bring my ‘black ass to the hospital’ becuz Didun, Raquan and Rey got hurt or some bull, man right now I could care less. I mean its sad and all cuz they were both (Didun and Rey) my homies and I didn’t really know Raquan like that but he was pretty cool too but right now all I want is for Jessie to forgive like I know I acted stupid but sometimes I tend to act real foolish like you don’t even get. Its just that I like fifa a lot but not as much as I loved, correction LOVE Jessie.

I pulled up in the hospital’s parking lot and there SHE was, coming out of her car wearing sweats and J’s ! Even in sweats she looks gorgeous [A/N: that’s actually something guys in my school SHOULD say more often]. I got out of the car and just stared at her, and then she turned around saw. She flashed me a small smile and she wanted to turn around but I motioned for her to come talk to me, we needa sort this out.

“Hey Jessie, you look gorgeous” I said while smiling big.

“Ohh common, I’m in sweats and my hair is in a bun and I’m not even wearing make up”

“You don’t need make up babe, you got natural beauty” I said while looking at her then she blushed and looked down.

“Don’t try to hide it babe” I said while lifting up her head with my finger.

“Okay this is too much, Edward I came her to see whoever is in the hospital I didn’t come here so you can sweet talk me so I can come running back to yuh. Nuh huh boo boo, I don’t chase boys, you decided to get the flip outta my life and I held he door don’t come running back banging on the door cuz I won’t answer it.” She said looking away

“Can I pick you up at 8.30 tonight so we can work this out ?? Please ? Pretty please with cherry on top ??” I asked not caring bout a word she just said.

“Okay whatever but in the mean time let’s go in, I wanna know who’s hurt”

We both walked in the hospital and when we got to the waiting room area everyone looked at us weird.

“Phiewww, I thought y’all were coming tomorrow” Alexa said in a sarcastic tone.

“Bitch, I’l still here so who’s hurt ?? And how come Didun, Raquan and Rey aren’t here ?? Are they on their way ??” Jessie asked as Glory, Pearl and Alexa started to cry then she understood what was going on and went to hug Lexa.

Alexa’s POV

Tears began to form again as Jessie was hugging me.

“What happened to them ??” she said while pulling away.

“Didun and Raquan got into a car crash and Rey was standing in the middle of the two cars when they hit themselves.” I said wiping the tears stains I had on my face.

Then a doctor came outta no where.

“Is this the Smith, Akinyelure and Rodriguez family or friends ??” the doctor asked while looking at his clipboard.

Since Eddie was the only one not crying he spoke.

“Yes, that’s us. Did you get any results ?” he asked trying to keep his composure.

“Well it’s seems like Mr. Smith had internal bleeding so he might stay in a coma for a few months if not we would have pull the plug on him” As soon as he said pull the plug, Peark broke down in tears and she was rolling on the floor like they just killed her whole family in front of her but I know how it feels… I lost my aunt two years ago but that’s another story.

“What about Didun ??” Glory asked with tears stains on her face.

“Well he only had major cuts so he might be okay in two or three weeks but he’s not awake yet tho. And lastly Mr.Rodriguez is the one who has the most injuries considering the fact that he got hit by two cars at the same time, we’re putting him on life support and if he doesn’t wake up in about three to four months he might die if internal bleeding, external bleeding, major cuts and of not waking up from a coma. You can go see them, they can hear you but they might, yes I said might because a lot of out patients wake up when they hear something from the person they are listening to, not answer you.” He said then left us.

Pearl went to Raquan’s room, I went to Rey’s and Glory went to Didun’s and we left Eddie and Jessie out in the waiting area because they said one person at a time.

Pearl’s POV

I was in Raquan’s room and all I could do was cry and cry and cry. I talked to him bout a few things but I still ended up crying.

Glory’s POV

This is not acceptable !! Why me ? Why ? I didn’t do anything to deserve this, Didun didn’t do anything deserve this. I was talking to him about how sorry I was and I ended up crying.

Back with Eddie and Jessie
Jessie’s POV

So they all ran to their boyfriends’ rooms and I was stuck out with Eddie, you might think I’m being bitchy, that why shouldn’t I accept his apology. Well if you were in my shoes you’d know it’s not that easy so I think y’all who think I’m being a bitch well you can go f yourselves. Anyway I wanted some water so I told him I was going to the cafeteria. When I got there, I froze and just looked at him, why is here ? How can he be here ?? I thought he was dead. Its not funny anymore, it’s scary. Why did mama tell me that he was dead ? I ran out of the hospital with of course Eddie following me, I didn’t care if I had my car I just ran all the way home, got inside, locked all the doors and windows. Right now I just wanted to be alone. Lies. My life is full of lies…


CLIFFY ! Who’s dead but alive ?? Why is her life(well my life) full of lies ? Why did she run away ? Sooo many questions I’m or JoJo is answering in the next chappie ! Love y’all.
#BELIEVE xoxo –Jessie <3

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