Hospital and New Couple.

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  • Dedicated to Didun

Hellur guyz ! Well I'm back :) Jessie hereeee. So umm I've been busy with school and homework and yeah here's the chapter !


Didun's POV

We were at the hospital waiting for the results and Alexa. I mean it's not that big of a deal she cutted herself and fell asleep in her tub I mean she did loose a lot of blood but compared to what I've done it's nothing, I bet you wanna know what I did uh? Well you're gonna find out soon it's not about me right now anyway. Anyhoe, the doctor came out.

"Is she gonna be okay ?" Justin said through his sobs, why was he crying anyway they hate each other ? Ohh well that's not my position right now.

"Yeah, she just lost an important amount of blood so she needs rest and food she's also gonna have to pend one night here and can't go to school for few days." he said bluntly, she can't go to school ? I mean it's not that I hate her cuz she's my best friend but again what I did was worse then 'cutting' and I 'recovered' the same day but again it's not bout me right now.

"Okay could we see her ?" Jessie asked with tears running down face and Eddie patting her back these two really need to date tho, they act like a couple but aren't one yet.

Anyways, we all went to see her when we got there Justin ran to her bed and started kissing her everywhere on her face and she just looked at Rey who was looking at the ground.

"Hey everyone, thanks so much for coming you didn't have to but could I talk to Rey.... in private ?" Alexa asked with a weak voice.

"Okay" we all said together.

*Outside Lex's Room* 

"Y'all, Imma go find some to eat" I said while going to cafeteria area or some ish.

They all chorused an "okay" and started their convo's bout random things.

*Inside The Room*

Alexa's POV

I feel so bad for what I've put Rey through, I mean he really does love me and I like him too but I like Justin too, ughh I'm soo confused. I didn't wanna talk about that cuz my head was starting to pound so I just left the subject.

"Look, I know you're mad at me. I'm soooo sorry, I don't even know why but I get lost in Justin's brown eyes again I'm sorry and before you ask yes I do like you and(gco)

"Alexa it's okay, we're not even dating so I don't have any rights to be mad so therefore I'm sorry" He said still looking down.

"Okay, friends ?" I asked kinda hesitant.

"You mean best friends !" He said while coming hug me. "The doctor said you need alotta food and rest and you're not gonna go to school for a few days so I'll bring you your homework :)" He said while smiling ohh God, how I missed that smile ! I replied with a smile and gave him a kiss on the cheek I guess err'thang was back to normal.

After that we started talking bout random stuff.

Raya's POV

I was talking with Jessie bout MB when Eddie rudely interrupted us saying he wants to speak with Jessie, she tried to deny it cuz she saw how annoyed I was but knowing she likes him ,like, alot I forced her to go now I'm not saying I was eaves dropping or sum but I know it's something bout eddie wants to date Jessie so this is pretty much how the convo was going.

"Umm I've been wanting to ask you something. Uhh Jessie will you go out with me ?" Eddie asked while scratching the back of his neck, he always does that when he's nervous or around Jessie in other words nervous.

"It's about time you ask, I mean I would love to" She said blushing a little and after that they hugged and came back hand in hand and I was just staring at her like ._.

"So you guyz dating now ?" I asked knowing why she was smiling so hard.

"Umm yeah" She said completly daydreaming bout I don't know what so I took a magazine and started reading it. What a day.

We went back inside talked to Lexi a little then went straight home, TGIF ! When I got home I put on my PJ's : a pink tank top black short shorts and fuzzy slippers and just layed there on my bed my eyes closed waiting to fall asleep.


I wasnt feeling this chappie but anyways ! I wrote it cuz my friends were forcing me to write (lol) I had a little write's block but it's all good in the neighborhood :P.

#BELIEVE xoxo -Jessie- :) xx.

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