It's all for you / HE's in the hospital...

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Hey y’all its Jessie again, see I’m feeling better cuz I’m writing like the usual now and the fact that I’m EXTREMLY tired cuz of my bday partayy but let’s forget that and go on with the story. Listen to Skinny Love by Birdy or any other sad song about love that you have while reading this…


Eddie’s POV

I was chasing Jessie’s cuz she ran away, I guess she saw something or someone… makes me wonder :/ welp, she forgot her car and ran all the way home, I hope we’re still on for tonight cuz I got her something and I hope she says yes... anyways I was on my way home and called her up to see if we’re still on.

*Phone Convo*

“Hello ? *sniffles*” she said with a weak voice. I hope she’s okay cuz I really don’t want her to be sad and cancel the date.

“Umm, hey are you okay ??”

“Y-ye-yeah I’m aiight. Wassup ?” she said trying to convince me that she was okay but I’ve been her best friend since 8th grade and we’ve been dating for 7months and 21days so I think I know her better than anyone else apart from her mother, father and Lexaa.

“Jessica, you’ve been my best friend since 8th grade I think I know when you’re upset or not !” I said with a stern voice.

“Edward, there are a lot of things I didn’t tell you or Alex or anyone else...” she said hesitating on whether she should tell me or not.

“That’s it, I’m coming over” I said then hung up and got in my car. After about 25mins, I pulled up in her driveway and got out. I knocked on the door and she came down still in her sweats and tank but she changed her J’s and wore some flip flops, she had tears stains on her face and her eyes were bloodshot red and extra puffy. I’ve never seen her like that and I sure don’t like it when she’s sad.

“Hey” she said and cracked a very like veryyyy weak smile. I didn’t even hesitate and I tool her in my arms and gave her a big bear hug, she had her head in my chest and she was still crying, in my shirt, I kissed her forehead and asked if I could come in.

“So please, tell me why you just ran all the way to your house leaving your car in the hospital ?? you love your car, that’s unusual of you to leave you car...” I asked while we were going to her room.

“Umm, umm, I saw my, my b-b...” she couldn’t finish her sentence she broke down.

“Jessie, I can’t understand you, please use your words, I wont judge you [A/N: *Chris Brown’s voice* hihihihi, don’t mind me. I drank something that looked like juice and it was alcohol, so I think I’m kinda high :D back to ze storayyy :P]” I said hugging her.

Meanwhile at the hospital

Alexa’s POV

I was in Rey’s room, talking to him, hoping he would hear me and wake up but I knew it was impossible in his state... He got hit by two, TWO cars at the SAME DAMN TIME !! WTF did he do to deserve such bullshit huh ?? please God, tell me why ? There’s 75% chances he could die, and it could be at any minute. If he dies, I don’t know what I’ll do, sure I’ll have Jessie and Eddie but I can’t I repeat, CAN’T live without my MAIN best friend, Rey Lucas Rodriguez.

I decide to go to the cafeteria to get some juice but then I saw him, the guy I hated but why was he here ?? Aunty Belle(Jessie’s mama) said he was dead...

Glory’s POV

I was Didun’s room crying my eyes out, I was holding his hand. I immediately stopped crying when I felt him squeeze back, wait hol’ up, he squeezed my hand. It means he’s aliveeeee ! OhhhEmmmGeee, thank God he’s alive.

"Didun, you-you’re okay!” I said wiping my tears away.

“Yes baby, I could never leave you” he said with a very weak voice.

“Please don’t leave me, I need you. Please !”

“I promise, I’ll never leave you don’t worry” then I couldn’t hold it anymore I kissed him and he kissed back, we shared a really passionate kiss and I felt the sparks flying everywhere. It’s just like the first time we kissed... I still remember our first kiss and I’ll never forget it until our last...

Back with Jessie and Eddie.

Jessie's POV

I can’t, I can’t tell him my boyfriend raped me, I can’t tell him my mom hired someone to kill him and the person failed but she still lied to me and told me he was dead, I can’t tell him all of that but he was gonna find out sooner or later if it wasn’t from me it would be from Alexa, yeah she doesn’t know the whole story. She only knows he use to beat me and that my mom hired someone to kill him and that he ‘killed’ him but nooo he is still in the hospital enjoying the food there. Why would she lie to me about something so important now if he gets outta the hospital he was gonna come after me and kill me, I can still remember the words he said before he was taken to the hospital : ‘Jessica Laure, if I ever make it I’m coming after you and I am going to kill you aiight ?I got you, just be aware of who you’re hanging out with it could be someone I sent to kill you...’ and then the police took him away but all of that I couldn’t tell him, at least not now so I made up a lie.

“I saw my brother, my mom told me he was dead but he isn’t and I wasn’t that happy cuz my mom told me he died and on his funeral I cried and cried...” I said coughing after that. See when I cough after I say something it means I’m lying and he knows that but I made it seem like I had to cough. He didn’t look convinced but he just left it alone.

“Are we still on for tonight ?? cuz I could go home and cancel our plans(gco)

“No, no you probs worked hard and I don’t wanna cancel so be back in an hour and thirty minutes.

*Skipping to when they got there imam tell you her outfit in the comment box cuz im lazy like that ;)*

“Wow, Edward this is beautiful” [A/N: BTW they’re in a restaurant reserved for them next to the beach]

“Thank you”

*When they’re done eating [A/N: I’m sorry im doing this but JoJo is waitingand we don’t want her mad now do we ?? ;)]

We were walking down the beach, not holding hands just talking then we got to a spot and he stopped me.

“Jessica *gets on one knee*, I’m soo sorry for what I did, I didn’t mean to do you like that you know I love. Matter of fact I’ve loved you ever since we became best friends and I didn’t know you felt the same way I’m sorry for everything I did please forgive me and accept this promise ring *gets a neon purple box outta his pocket* please ?” all I could do was gasp, like who does that ? I would be lying if I said I lost feelings for him, in fact it made my feelings for him stronger.

“Yaaass ! Of course” he placed the ring on my finger and kissed me.

“Does that mean we’re a thing now ?”

“Yes, I love you”

“I love you too” then we kissed, at the beach, under the sunset. What a perfect timing ! Ain’t it ?


Awwwn, cute ain’t it ?? I think this chap is long umm, I like it. Please tell me what you think on my page @JessiiePerez143. Ohh BTW we also have twitter accounts so follow us and we’ll keep you updated on our stories. Our twitters are : Jojo : @JoJo_star143
Jessie : @Jessiiie__Perez (yass, two underscores) :P

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