thirty four

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Rising feelings

After Harry left work I only had an hour left of my shift, and until close. Kat and I decided to close a little earlier due to us finishing the jobs quicker, so I was able to steal a muffin from the fridge on my way out. Kat "conveniently" looked the other way as I did, she's a real OG.

Just before eight we locked up the store and I waved goodbye to Kat. I didn't have any more shifts on the current roster as I took some time off to work on my assignment for my design subject.

I jumped into my car and started the engine. Mind you it started up completely fine- I have no idea why Harry was bagging out my car so much, she truly is a god sent.

On the drive home I decided to listen to the radio for a change rather then my typical Spotify playlist. I felt like my blasting of French music (which BOP by the way, you should listen to it) where I attempt to sing along to the new language I began to learn from constantly listening to the song, isn't something I was in the mood for tonight. It's a lot easier to drown out the world with the simple conversations over the radio. You know, the kind of 'zone-outs' that create such a convoluted thought process that you snap back into reality and don't remember driving down the street you just drove through. Obviously not in a dangerous way though- like your body knows it's driving and what turns to make safely, but your subconscious has taken control of you mind.

Before I knew it I was back home in my favourite parking spot. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and slammed the door shut accidentally. So much so that I actually cringed at the sound it made, proceeding to pat the door of my car in an apology.

I walked inside the house and groaned loudly, clearly drawing attention to myself. I looked forward and noticed Miles pop his head out from the kitchen and give me a look.

"I'm tired." I shrugged as I walked past him and into the kitchen.

"Fair enough." He chuckled, walking out and into the lounge room with a group of the guys across the hall.

I walk around the island and look in Noah's section of the cupboard to find something to eat. I hadn't had time to go food shopping as I worked tonight.

He had a couple of snacks and some random ingredients, but I wasn't ready to cook a full meal right now.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and proceeded to dial Noah's phone. After a few rings he picked up. "Yes?" He answered.

"I'm hungry." I whined. I allowed my eyes to wander the dining room and I locked eyes with Niall sitting at the dining table, eating nachos and frowning at me.

"What?" I mouthed. He widened his eyes and took his attention back to his food.

"Hi hungry I'm-"

"Don't you dare." I scold. "I will come up there and beat you up I swear." I tapped my foot as the line went quiet.

"I'd like to see you try- but not right now. I have company." Noah mocks me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I definitely could beat him up. I've done it before, I was six but that was besides the point.

"Right... TMI? Still hungry." I walked back around the island and waltzed over to Niall, stealing one of his nacho chips and shoving it into my mouth with a smile. His jaw drops as he looks up at me, throwing his hands up. I stuck my tongue out and he frowned, grabbing his bowl and cuddling it into his chest and walked out the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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