✧ chapter twenty-six ✧

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First shift

I walked over to the cafe after school. I was pretty nervous for my first shift but I knew I was hired for a reason so I shouldn't doubt my ability.

We are all about positive mindsets here. Period.

I quickly pulled out my phone as I walked and flicked a quick text to Chris.

Hi bish! I'm on my way to the cafe now. Wish me luck! X

Moments later my phone pinged. I swear Chris types at lightening speed. I don't understand how it was physically possible for someone to read and reply that quickly to a message.

Yaaas girl! The 3 hours will be a BREEZE. You got this!

Alongside the text he attached a funny 'good luck' gif, making me chuckle at my phone and swiftly placing my it back in my bag. I was approaching the cafe and I didn't think it would be a good idea waltzing in with my face glued to my phone. Even though I would be like 15 minutes early.

I walked inside and was immediately noticed by the red headed girl who was working whilst I had the interview.

She smiled and walked away from the coffee machine towards me. "Hi Ariana isn't it? I'm Kat. Congrats on the job." She greets me warmly. I return her gesture with a simple thank you.

"Leah is just counting the till right now so I can quickly show you around." Kat offers. I thank her again and she takes me around the back of the shop to put my stuff down. She walks me to what I assume is their "office" where she hands me a replica of the simple black shirt logo'd uniform, along with a pair of pants, bandana and an apron.

"Just head into the staff toilets over there and get changed into all this and I'll meet you out shortly." She tells me. I nod and walk into the bathroom, changing into my uniform swiftly and coming back out.

By the time I had finished getting changed Leah, my new boss, had finished counting the till and was out to greet me.

"Hey Ariana, you said you had basic coffee experience already in the interview... that's correct?" She questions. I reply with a 'yes' and she nods in return, rubbing her chin.

"Well that makes my job easier." She chuckles. "Well all you need to know is this is where the takeaway cups are, mugs and glasses, we use the dishwasher to wash used plates, mugs and cups... you get it." She points out everything within the area.

"I'll get Kat to show you how to use our dishwasher because it's a bit different here, how to read and complete orders and how to use the register over time. For now I will just get you to focus on making customer coffees and handing out the cafe food." Leah explained.

"Okay!" I say eagerly. I had an underlying love of coffee-making and latte art... and coffee drinking of course. I was so excited getting this job and being able to work in an area in which I was passionate about. I think how passionate I was about coffee was the real reason I was chosen for this job over everyone else.

After about an hour I started to understand how to read the orders coming through- which abbreviations and scribbles meant what food, coffee, sort of milk, etc.

Half an hour later I heard the bell of the front door go off. I looked up from the milk I was heating and noticed the person I completely forgot had chosen this place as his study zone.

He walked up to the counter, completely unaware of my presence at this time. Kat walked up to the register and smiled sweetly at him. "Hey Haz, how are you going?"

I snorted slightly at the nickname. Hiding behind the machine to cover the sound. I removed the milk from the 'frother' or whatever you call that thing and continued wheezing quietly under my breath. Haz. Dang imma use that.

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