✧ chapter two ✧

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(Ariana's outfit after changing later on in the chapter)

Settling in

I wake up and toss and turn, I keep my eyes closed attempting to go back to sleep due to exhaustion and give up after about twenty minutes.

I sit up lazily in my bed and look around the foreign space. Oh right, I'm here now hey...

I scout the room for a clock, my eyes lock with the plain white and copper clock on the wall. No wonder I couldn't get back to sleep, it was almost 12:30. At least I took some hours of my "sleep debt", I probably owe my body like 300 hours of sleep.

I get up and stretch my body, opening the curtains to admire the view outside. I look down and see a pool with a couple of guys splashing inside it. I definitely need to check that out later.

After welcoming tummy grumbles I decide to head downstairs and get some food.

After putting on some black socks that went halfway up my shin and grabbing my phone I walk down the set of stairs, almost slipping due to the lack of friction between my socks and the tiled stairs. I wonder how many injuries these stairs have caused? I'm not even drunk and I almost became apart of the tally!

I make my way in the direction I presumed would be the kitchen and mentally high-fived myself when I found it. I went into the cupboard and grabbed out a cereal called Apple Jacks, we didn't have this in Australia so I felt like trying something new.

Pouring myself a bowl and grabbing almond milk from the fridge I filled it to cover the cereal and began to search for a spoon.

"Looking for this." A voice speaks.

I look up and lock with a pair of blue eyes. The boy is holding a spoon and winks at me.

"What did you do to it?" I say slowly, taking it from his grasp.

"Grabbed it out of the drawer? What kinda monster do you think I am?" He scoffs mockingly, holding a hand to his chest in disgust.

"Who knows with you boys. That's bad enough as it is." I place the spoon in the cereal and spoon some into my mouth, looking over at the boy to see him staring at me. "What."

"Who did you sleep with last night." He folds his arms and leans against the counter.

I cringe in disgust and send him a death glare, ignoring his question and continuing to eat my cereal. Tastes pretty good actually.

The boy stands up and walks behind me, leaning against my body from behind he places his hands on the counter either side of me and places his chin on my shoulder.

"Dude! I'm trying to eat!" I try and wiggle out of the space he locked me in with his body, he was too strong for me, goddam these frat boy football players...

"I said, who did you sleep with last night." He repeats.

"No one! You're so fucking gross." I place my cereal down and spin around to face him, placing my hands on his chest to push him off me. Ooo, firm.

"Then why are you here?" He frowns, folding his arms and cocking his head to the side.

"I live here douchebag." I turn back around and continue to eat my cereal.

"Oh, you're Noah's sister." He mutters amusingly. "Louis Tomlinson, nice to meet you." He holds his hand out to shake my hand.

"Ariana Clarke." I shake his hand back. "Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to finish my breakfast...lunch...brunch." I tell him, acknowledging the time of the day.

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