✧ chapter twenty-five ✧

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Mini Controversy

"Mr Cunning's is being such an asshole in Chemistry. Like no sir, I don't understand you explanation of equilibriums. I can't help that you're outdated! Just retire already." Cori groans and rubs her face with her hands dramatically.

"He's not that bad, I have him for my elective and he's great..." Leela chuckles at her dramatic statement and action.

"Well that's because he likes you! And you aren't studying to e a radiologist- you chose it on your own accord as an elective!" Cori groans and rolls her eyes at her. I laugh at their childish interaction. I've learnt with those two that if you just ignore them they tend to get bored and stop what they're doing. Or in this case- what they're arguing about.

"I'm only liked by him because I actually listen to his explanations and instructions rather than yelling at him every 5 seconds because you didn't like his use of analogy!" Leela gives her a completely readable look, threaded with a hint of annoyance.

"I would hardly call it yelling..." Cori states sassily.

I zone out for the rest of the walk to our table which we hang out at for our break. I noticed Amelia and Nova had already taken a place sitting at our table, they both only had a lecture instead of a tutorial and practical like the rest of us, Amelia was imbedded into a book that we were studying for English. As the commotion radiating from the two girls drew closer to her, Amelia's eyes were peeled from its pages and looked up at the scene with a look. She frowned at me confused, in which I responded with a simple shrug as we all sat down at the table.

After about 5 minutes of chatting about our classes, I noticed Luna making her way towards our table.

"Hi Ari!... Girls." She smiled at me and only glanced around the table at the other girls. "Can I talk to you? Alone." I leant back and folded my arms, looking around the table at the girls as if asking for permission whilst pressing my lips together in confusion.

"Whats the harm in talking to her in front of the rest of us? We aren't about secrecy here." Nova folds her arms, leaning back also.

Luna scoffs quietly. I never had a reason to question her demeanour, however I can't tell if Luna's reaction was due to her 'bitchiness' or just merely the fact that Nova attacked her out of nowhere.

"Neither am I. Although I don't believe my conversation with Ariana is any of your concern or involves you in any shape or form." Luna tuts, folding her arms also. Things are feeling heated with all these folded arms, everyone just trying to restrain from punching each other.

"Guys it's fine." I give Nova a pleading look before standing up. "I'll be back in a moment okay?" I reassure them before following Luna to her table.

I felt like a dog following her. It felt so wrong, however I pushed those feelings away. I was stupid to think such ill things with no proper negative feelings towards Luna as of yet.

I made my toward the table in which the brunette I recognised as Luna's friend from a few days prior had already had a seat at the table. "Sit!" Luna smiles. I quickly turn around to look at the girls as they stare confusingly. I take no time turning back around and sitting down slowly at the table.

"Hi I'm Brooke!" The brunette grins widely. I return a small smile and draw my attention back to Luna, who appeared to be impatiently waiting for my attention.

"So... what's it like in the Frat?" Luna begins. I hum slightly to myself and search for a response. "Uh, a lot? Lots of testosterone, you would know from the parties?"

Luna chuckles freely, "oh you're too funny, but a party isn't the same really..." She trails. "What do you know about the boys?"

Is this what Nova and the girls were talking about? The information seeking? Surely not... "I don't think I know what you mean?" I state confusingly.

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