✧ chapter twenty ✧

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Opening up

I woke up for my next day of college. I was pleased with settling in finally and getting use to the pure differences America has in its schooling.

I walked downstairs dressed with my bag and looked around for Noah. To my surprise, he was nowhere to be found. I noticed one of the guys, Todd, sitting on the couch.

"Have you seen Noah?" I ask him politely. He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm pretty sure he already left?"

"What!" I freak out. "Really?!" Todd merely shrugs again. I groan and make my way over to the kitchen and sit on the counter, holding my head in my hands. Art was first period and I really wasn't keen on missing out on my first lesson.

"Someone's annoyed." Harry muses as he enters the room after coming downstairs. I look over and groan, huffing loudly afterwards.

"Noah left without me." I tell him.

"Well that's because he has football training in the morning today. Come with me." He shakes his keys and starts walking away.

"It's okay I'll just drive, I kind of understand where to park." I shrug my shoulders. Harry turns and stares at me. "I wasn't asking." He stated.

I widen my eyes, scowling at him. "Okay then." I adjust my bag on my shoulders and stand up to follow him to his car. I felt like a dog, a literal dog.

I step into his car silently and breathe out deeply. Beginning to look out the window to avoid small talk, however that didn't really work out.

"How are you enjoying school?" Harry asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "It's okay I guess. Quite different to what I'm use to."

Harry nods to my response and I assume he has done enough talking. One question was enough for him. He drove us in silence, causing me to daydream a little. I focused on the scenery as we made our way to school.

"Ariana?" Harry placed his hand on my thigh. I snapped into reality and jerked my leg away from his hand. I stare at him with wide eyes as he smirks lightly. "We're here."

I blush at my reaction and open the door to be rid of his burning stare. I shut the car door quickly and clutched onto my bag straps as I scurried towards the doors. I felt eyes on me and heard whispers as I drew near people standing in the halls. Made me want to yell out against their obvious suspicions. No, I am not Harry's new fling. People's obsessions of other people and other people's business confuse me, what is so fascinating about Harry to them?

I felt a flush of relief as I saw Nova waiting outside of what I believed to be our art class.

"Morning sunshine." She chuckled as I came near. "Bit late?" She mused.

"Blame Noah." I groaned, "he didn't tell me about his football training and Harry demanded to drive me here. It was kind of torture. Oh and best part is everyone is going to think there's something going on between us." I roll my eyes.

"Seems like there is something going on between you guys." She folds her arms, looking past me. I turn around to see Harry leaning against a locker, watching me. I quickly spun around and smiled sheepishly at Nova. She merely smirked at me.

"There isn't. At least I hope there isn't." I say.

"Well judging from that and what I saw yesterday there seems to be something going on, whether you like it or not." She laughs at me.

"You and I both know what he wants." I fold my arms and raise an eyebrow.

"And? I say fuck it! You know how many girls would kill to be in that position... many positions." She winks. I cringe and scrunch up my face.

"I don't want to be another play toy man..." I draw out, following students into the classroom to avoid having to talk about this any longer.

Nova and I made our way to the middle of the classroom and took a seat. "Another?" She frowns. I sigh, memories of my past relationship swarm into my head. I close my eyes before turning back to look at her.

"His name was Carter. He kind of took things a bit far to what I was ready for and used me I guess. Honestly didn't think about him until Harry mentio- actually forget it." I shook my head and stretched out my arms.

"Hey, no, what?" Nova prompts.

"Long story short on the first day I moved into the Frat house he kinda pinned me down and attempted to scare me with how much he's know about me. I'm guessing Noah told him to 'protect me'." I air quoted, "but all it did was give Harry something to use against me, reminding me of Carter again." I laugh.

Nova stares at me, wide eyed. I chuckle lightly at her reaction. "Hey don't worry about it, he's a lot better now that we kinda know each other better as individuals rather then as a series of gathered information from others." Nova smirks at me, I frown at her gesture as she opens her mouth to speak.

"So you're saying you like him, as a friend of sorts." She winks. I think for moment. Did I?

"Maybe not completely yet. Maybe without the sexual innuendos I could." I shrug. She looks in my face for a lie and once she understood I was truthful she scrunched her lips and looked away, satisfied.

Moments later the art teacher walked in. She had a petite figure with a pool of tight chestnut brown curls for hair. She smiled widely at the new group of faces and clasped her hands together.

"Hi! I'm Miss Soblay." She introduced herself. "To start off today's first lesson, I'll ask you to open your art books and design a cover page. Very middle school activity I know- but it will really help me get a better understanding of your personal art style. Grab whatever supplies you need and use this lesson to just have fun... before the hard stuff starts."

I opened my book and tapped my pencil on the paper. I looked around to see some people had already started getting up to grab supplies or had started sketching. I enjoyed painting and the adjustability of paint in an artwork, however the thin paper wouldn't be able to conform to such volume of liquid. I decided to sketch... portrait, a link of nature to the soul- like a rose. Maybe some line work to add layers of depth and create an abstract effect.

The class was nearing its end and Miss Soblay came around to where Nova and I were sitting. Nova had drawn a geometric, tattoo-style flower.

"I like these two a lot. Very personal, contemporary... keep up the good work girls." She smiled at us, we both thanked her for her feedback and went back to completing our artworks.

When the bell rung I decided to take my art book with me to finish the artwork at home. I had to rush to math and sadly had no time to work on it any more today.

On the way to math I felt my phone vibrate. Confused, I took it out of my pocket at squinted the message.

Unknown number:
Don't run too fast Princess, you wouldn't want to trip and ruin that pretty little face of yours.

I look around, knowing damn well who sent the message. Low and behold, Harry was waiting outside a classroom door. He had his phone in his hand as he watched me. I groaned at the boy and continued my venture to math, typing away.

How'd you get my number?

I've always had it sweetheart.

I huff to myself and continue storming to math. I think about what Nova made me consider earlier and roll my eyes loosely and type.

You are something else

I lock my phone and smile to myself slightly. He truly was something else, and was definitely affecting me one way or another.

Sorry for the belated update, trying to write this chapter was harder then I considered.

I hope you guys are enjoying your day!!

Tash xx

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